November 21, 2015

The November Green Party of Pennsylvania State Committee Meeting is scheduled for November 21, 2015 at the Friends Religious Society, 1100 N 6th St, Harrisburg, PA 17102. 

You can find directions to the location here.

Meeting agenda to follow.


Never came out to a state meeting? It is alright.

Come in, say hello. Watch and learn what make Greens different.

Consider getting involved and let's make politics about the people.



Join a small gathering of Greens from around Pennsylvania and see what's going on.

You can also find out how to get active, start a local Green Party or College Green Party.

Have you considered how you want to get involved to promote the 2016 Green Presidential candidate?

Have you had it with the two party charade and are ready to work with people who are trying to build the better alternative?  


GPPA is also looking for candidates interested in running for local offices in your town or city, and state wide candidates like State Auditor and House and Senate seats. 

Join us, and help us build a Greener Pennsylvania! 

November 16, 2015 at 11:00am - 2pm
Harrisburg Friends Meeting, Harrisburg, PA
1100 N 6th St
Harrisburg, PA 17102
United States
Google map and directions
Timothy Gleason Hillary Kane Jay Sweeney David Ochmanowicz

Who's RSVPing

Timothy Gleason
Hillary Kane
Jay Sweeney
David Ochmanowicz

Will you come?


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