2016 PA Green Party Caucus Information and Schedule


Presidential Caucus Information & Schedule


How will it work?

One Green, One Vote! If you are a registered Green, you may attend ANY OFFICIAL GPPA CAUCUS LISTED and vote.

You will be permitted to vote one time in total.  

Once you arrive at a caucus location the coordinator will prompt you for ID and provided with a ballot.


Locations & Schedule

Allegheny County:  April 7th, 7pm at Citizen Power 2121 Murray Ave. Pittsburgh contact Robert Piemme <[email protected]>

Bucks County: April 28th, 6PM - 8PM at Tausif Khan's Home (Email Tausif for location information)


Centre County: April 2nd, 10-6pm at St John Lutheran Church 216 N McAllister St Bellefonte

Chester County: see Delaware County

Dauphin County: April 30 @ 10 AM - Noon at Harrisburg Friends Meeting 1100 N 6th St, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17102

Delaware County: April 23rd, 1-3 pm at Swarthmore Borough Hall, 121 Park Avenue, Swarthmore, PA 19081

CONTACT Jocolyn Bowser-Bostick · 610-662-4502

Fayette County: TBA

Lackawanna County: April 19th, 7pm at Case Quattro Winery 1521 Main St, Peckville contact Jay Sweeney 570-587-3603

Lehigh County: see Northampton

Luzerne County: April 23rd, 11am-2pm at Wilkes University, Kirby Hall S. River and South Sts

Montgomery County: April 23rd, 1-4 PM.  See details: https://www.facebook.com/events/1739885629580771/

Northampton County: April 13th, 7-9 PM at Northampton Community College - South Side Bethlehem Campus (Fowler Center), 511 E. 3 St, Bethlehem

Philadelphia County: April 16th, 10:30 AM-2:30 PM at Philadelphia Ethical Society, 1906 S. Rittenhouse Square

Susquehanna County: April 24th, 12 - 2 PM at Keystone College Miller Library Rm 204 Contact Jay Sweeney 570-587-3603

Wyoming County: April 24th, 12 - 2 PM at Keystone College Miller Library Rm 204 Contact Jay Sweeney 570-587-3603 


Q - Can You schedule your own caucus in April?

A - Yes, email [email protected] for information and guidance.   


Q - Where can I find good information on the candidates?

A - http://www.gp.org/the_green_party_recognizes_five_candidates_for_the_green_presidential_nomination




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