This is an event for Green Party members, Independents, and people unaffiliated with a political party who are interested in learning what it is like to serve as an elected official, not affiliated with the two-party system.
The event, hosted by the Centre County Green Party and the Green Party of Pennsylvania, has lined up a set of seasoned elected officials who will share their knowledge and experiences on serving in elected office. We will hear from folks serving at all levels of local government including:
-Election boards,
-Community boards and authorities,
-Borough/townships councils,
-School boards, and
-County level seats.
The event is being held at Bald Eagle State Park, Pavilion 5 on Saturday June 16th between the hours of 10am to 4pm.
The pavilion is reserved for the whole of the day and we encourage participants to come early or stay late so you can network and enjoy the park. We ask that you bring your friends, family, and all folk interested in making a difference in politics outside of the two-party system.
There is no admission fee however donations are welcome to cover event expenses. Meals and overnight accommodations on one's own.
-Community boards and authorities,
-Borough/townships councils,
-School boards, and
-County level seats.
The event is being held at Bald Eagle State Park, Pavilion 5 on Saturday June 16th between the hours of 10am to 4pm.
The pavilion is reserved for the whole of the day and we encourage participants to come early or stay late so you can network and enjoy the park. We ask that you bring your friends, family, and all folk interested in making a difference in politics outside of the two-party system.
There is no admission fee however donations are welcome to cover event expenses. Meals and overnight accommodations on one's own.
June 16, 2018 at 10:00am - 4pm
Bald Eagle State Park, Pavilion 5
149 Main Park Rd
Howard, PA 16841-3508
United States
Google map and directions
149 Main Park Rd
Howard, PA 16841-3508
United States
Google map and directions
· 717-839-2395