GPPA Convention

The Green Party of Pennsylvania will be holding a 2-day Convention and business meeting on March 21-22, 2020.  The event will be held at the Historic Harrisburg Resource Center, a renovated bank of the former Central Trust Co (constructed 1893) located in Harrisburg, PA.  Admission for the Saturday events will be $15.  There is no fee for the Sunday business meeting.  Activities will be held between 10am and 5pm each day.

Exact details for the Convention are still in the making however participants can expect a day focused on building organizational infrastructure with topics including:

  • Issue campaigns
  • Community engagement
  • Holding effective meetings
  • Successful messaging
  • Committee organizing and fundraising
  • Navigation of political body nomination papers
  • Ballot access petitioning

In addition we plan to offer time for the state-wide slate of candidates seeking the Green Party ballot line in the Pennsylvania November election including offices for President, Attorney General, Auditor General, and Treasurer.

Please RSVP today and check back for announcements!

March 21, 2020 at 10:00am - March 22, 2020
Historic Harrisburg Resource Center
1230 N 3rd St
Harrisburg, PA 17102
United States
Google map and directions
Secretary · · 717-839-2395

Will you come?

$20.00 Saturday Convention Admission with Aid for Another
Saturday Convention Admission plus an additional $5 to help aid another attend who may be in need. Select the number of tickets you would like to purchase at this rate.
$15.00 Saturday Convention Admission
Saturday Convention Admission. Select the number of tickets you would like to purchase at this rate.


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