August 2020 Green Star


August 2020

Working toward a future where people and planet are valued, and our government represents all of us.

ECO-COMPASSIONISM: Going Green Will Make the World Less Mean
  by GPPA Co-chair Alan Smith

The cold impersonal text message pierces the darkroom reminding me of my place in the social order. "We are terminating your lease effective September 1st please see our email to you for more details." The email explains how the couple that owns our house is prioritizing their financial well being for their retirement and is selling the house that we rent from them. Pouring salt on a gaping wound they wish us well and thank us for understanding. This cold-hearted reality is indicative of the times as the moratoriums on evictions are expiring all around the US and as landlords look to shore up their financial portfolio. An avalanche of homelessness and displacement is just beginning. My husband and I with our 500 credit scores and thousands of dollars in debt along with millions of others are deemed unworthy of being housed.

Housing should be a human right. Student loan forgiveness and an overall debt jubilee should be happening. Free universal healthcare should be in place. The trillions of dollars in economic stimulus that was given to Wall Street should have been given to Main Street.

Can it be any clearer that we need a new social order, one governed not by profit? Greens are working tirelessly around the world to bring about this change. Our work is especially difficult here in the US as we face onerous ballot restrictions, keeping us from holding elected office and a corporate monopoly on media keeping us and our message out of sight and unheard.

Here in Pennsylvania Greens have gone to court to fight these voting restrictions and the election fraud perpetrated by the corporate political duopoly. Great work in this legal fight has been done by Greens such as Carl Romanelli, Emily Cook, Tim Runkle, and many others. Some success has occurred in the past with our legal action resulting in the courts reducing signature requirements and requiring new voting machines. But currently, during this pandemic the current administration and the courts have argued that Greens need to be out in the streets risking their lives and the lives of others gathering signatures to get on the ballot, while State offices remain closed and courts operate virtually through webcasting.

A healthier, fairer, more just world is possible with Greens in office. A Green government would have not just put a temporary moratorium on evictions and bill payments. A Green government makes housing a human right, and ushers in a world where heating, water, food, and other living amenities are not commodities for corporate profit. The average worker in the US contributes over $100 an hour to the US economy but does not reap the benefits of that labor. A Green government would change that.

We need housing and financial relief NOW. Please vote Green and encourage others to do so. Please donate any time, talent, or treasure no matter how small to the efforts Greens are making to bring about a reality that doesn't feature cold, impersonal text messages reminding us to pay up in so many days or face ruin. Help Greens bring about a reality characterized by eco-compassionism, where people, planet, and peace are prioritized.



GPPA News Highlights   

  edited by Chris Robinson 

PA Green Party Fights Against Election Fraud

On July 14, the U.S. Court for the Eastern District of PA ruled against the Green Party’s request for a temporary waiver of some ballot access requirements. The Green Party of Pennsylvania (GPPA, Steering Committee is calling for volunteers and launching a two-week flurry of petition activity to place Green candidates on the ballot. The Green Party had sought relief from the Court before the August 3 deadline for nominating petitions . . . . GPPA is working with the Hawkins/Walker campaign, the 2020 Green Party nominees for president and vice president, to develop a strategy for meeting the ballot access requirements as safely as possible. The effort includes outfitting volunteers with face masks, gloves, and sanitizing equipment, as well as utilizing phone banking and other media methods to reach voters to let them know when a petitioner is in their area or how to mail a petition in to keep face-to-face contact to a minimum. (show all)


Howie Hawkins and Angela Walker for President/Vice President

On July 11, the Green Party of the U.S. held its Presidential Nominating Convention. While the world watched online, Howie Hawkins and his running mate Angela Walker received 210 of the 355 votes on the first ballot to win the nomination for president and vice president. The convention was held online due to the COVID-19 pandemic . . . . Among those voting online, the Green Party of Pennsylvania (GPPA, had elected 19 delegates and alternate delegates. Of that total, eight were from the Green Party of Allegheny County (GPOAC, Here is what three of them thought of the Nominating Convention . . . .(show all)


Philadelphia Green Party Joins Call to Defund Police

Members of the Green Party of Philadelphia (GPOP,/ announced their endorsement of the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement as well as the protests that are a response to the murder of George Floyd. They encouraged people to get in the street and make their voices heard. However, they also asked participants to take precautions . . . . The Green Party will not let the movement for justice lapse when the hashtag stops trending. In order to implement the systemic changes needed, GPOP will continue to support honest officials who are not beholden to police unions or big business. Electing Green Party candidates is one sure-fire way to get our initiatives passed. Greens do not accept corporate contributions and are completely grassroots funded. This allows Green candidates to stand up for what they believe in and to vote with their hearts. (show all)


PA Green Candidate, “The COVID-19 Emergency Is Not Over” 

by Garret Wassermann

It is pretty outrageous and reckless that PA state legislators voted on a concurrent resolution to end the COVID-19 emergency declaration put out by Governor Tom Wolf. While the Republicans led the effort, most Democrats in the Senate along with several Democrats in the House joined them to make this a bipartisan bill. My opponent, current PA Representative Anita A. Kulik was one of the Yes votes, as was my PA Senator Wayne Fontana . . . . According to the Pennsylvania Constitution, the governor has the authority to declare an emergency and exercise special authority and powers, which is what Wolf was using to regulate business and order a lock-down. The Constitution also states that the state legislature may at any time revoke the emergency by passing a concurrent resolution bill. This bill does not require the governor’s signature, since it is a resolution and not a typical bill. That is, it’s just a statement, and it doesn’t become law; so the governor has nothing to veto. There are two huge problems with this resolution: its effect on public health, and its effect on workers and families . . . (show all)



Campaign Updates   

  edited by Chris Robinson  


Jay Ting Walker for PA Representative, District 23
Jay told GREEN STAR, “We need to end occupations at home AND occupations abroad. It's all tied together. Imperialism and racial capitalism go hand in hand.”
Connect with Jay’s campaign on Facebook at
Jay’s campaign website is


Garret Wassermann for PA Representative, District 45
Garret told GREEN STAR, “Shell Oil doesn’t care about its workers. Shell doesn’t care about your children. Shell doesn’t care about the planet. It is all about their profits at all cost. Both my Republican and Democrats opponents in this race have already said they want more oil and gas jobs. What we really need is a #GreenNewDeal so we can create good jobs while also improving our health and saving the planet.” Garret’s campaign website is and his Facebook is


Michael Bagdes-Canning for PA Representative, District 64
Michael told GREEN STAR, “For the past 10 years, I have been involved as a frontline organizer in the climate and anti-fracking fight. I served on the Planning Group of Marcellus Outreach Butler and the Better Path Coalition. I have also served on the Coordinating Committee of the PA Poor People’s Campaign (statewide) and a direct action campaigner with Beyond Extreme Energy (national).”


Noel Antonio Rivera for PA Representative, District 127
Tired of elected officials siding with big money over the needs of the people? We all are! Noel told GREEN STAR, “People are worth more than corporations. Human life is more important than money." Noel’s Facebook is and he can be reached at [email protected].


Three State-wide Green Party Candidates


Tim Runkle for PA Treasurer
Tim agrees the statue of Christopher Columbus should be removed. He told GREEN STAR, “Columbus has always been a contentious figure. When Columbus came over he immediately started to look for resources, and he took advantage of people that were here and exploited them.” Runkle said, “Violence by policing an oppressed people started Day 1, as soon as Columbus landed on these shores.” Tim’s Facebook page can be found right here,


Olivia Faison for PA Auditor General
Olivia told GREEN STAR, "I don’t really think removing Confederate monuments is going to change the fabric of what is wrong with our country: the legacy of slavery and the fact that reparations have not been addressed. I truly believe that reparations will begin our country's healing process. Let's start with the debt that is owed, and a promise that was made: a promise of 40 acres and a mule. At today's prices and with accrued interest, that's one heck-of-a step towards economic parity for our most senior African Americans, those who have lived the longest with America's injustices towards the descendants of slaves.
“Many Americans are now finding it quite distasteful to accept the vicious acts of police violence and murder from yesteryear's legacy, carried out in today's modern time. So sure, take down those monuments, and move them to the museums. But will hiding those artifacts make us forget a world and a time, in that dark part of our American history, that ignored and hid the full truth and accuracy of an economic system built on the horrors of slavery and slave labor? Nah! It's been over 400 years, and we still remember!"
Olivia told GREEN STAR, “I don’t really think removing Confederate monuments is going to change the fabric of what is wrong: the legacy of slavery and the fact that reparations have not been addressed. Take them down, move them to the museum because represent a world and a legacy that we have questioned and many of us don’t accept,”



Team Updates   

Finance Team by Tim Runkle

Finance TeamHERE.



GreenWave Team by Garret Wassermann

GreenWaveTo join the Green Wave Team, please visit.
To receive an invitation to the next Green Wave virtual meeting, please contact: HERE to receive call info or email for more information!


Communications Team by Chris Robinson

Communications TeamIf you would like to join our team online, sign up HERE.


Core Team by Charles Sherrouse

Core TeamIf you are interested in helping, sign up HERE.



Global Green News   

  edited by Hal Brown


Amelia Womack leads campaign for universal basic income to support arts workers

Chris Jarvis 21 July 2020

Green Party of England and Wales deputy leader Amelia Womack this week wrote to chancellor Rishi Sunak demanding the introduction of a universal...(show all)




Green Party international coordinators must challenge the Mexican Greens

Derek Wall 10 July 2020

The International Coordinator position is one of the most hotly contested posts on the Green Party of England and Wales executive. This time around members have four...(show all)


Green Party of Canada

Greens call for charges against Meng Wanzhou to be dropped

OTTAWA – The Green Party of Canada is calling on the federal government...(show all)


Reforming land use is crucial to a sustainable society

Peter Sims and Anne Gayfer

Rewilding, vegan farming, new social housing, energy crops, more urban green space, solar Farms, nature reserves, growing more fruit and vegetables, bio-dynamic...(show all)




GPPA Coming Events   

  edited by Chris Robinson

Green Party events are in GREEN. Other Movement events are in RED.


August 3
Last day for Green Party candidates to circulate and file nomination papers.


August 4, 6:00 pm
Green Party of Allegheny County Virtual General Assembly
Zoom contact and more information from
More information from: [email protected]


August 6, noon
Hiroshima Day 75th Anniversary: Remembrance & Nonviolent Resistance
Lockheed Martin (world’s #1 war profiteer, U.S.' #1 nuclear weapons contractor) behind King of Prussia Mall, Mall and Goddard Blvds in King of Prussia, PA.
Sponsored by Brandywine Peace Community. Endorsed by the Green Party of Philadelphia
more information: Here


August 9, 6:00 pm
Nagasaki Day 75th Anniversary: Plea for Peace
Saints Peter & Paul Cathedral Basilica, 18th Street & Benjamin Franklin Parkway, Philadelphia, PA.
Sponsored by Brandywine Peace Community. Endorsed by the Green Party of Philadelphia.
More information: Here


August 17, 7:00 pm
Green Party of Montgomery County Virtual Meeting
Virtual business meeting. Please email:
[email protected]


August 25, 7:00pm
Green Party of Philadelphia (GPOP) Virtual Meeting
For more information, please contact:
[email protected]


August 29, Noon
Protest at Drone War Command
Air Guard Station, Easton Road (#611) at County Line Road, Horsham, PA.
Brandywine Peace Community with Bucks County Green Party, Montgomery County Green Party, Green Party of Philadelphia,
More information from: [email protected]
[email protected]
Brandywine Peace Community with Bucks County Green Party, Montgomery County Green Party, Green Party of Philadelphia,


August 30, 1:00 PM
Green Party of Chester County Virtual Meeting
For more information, please contact: [email protected]


September 1, 6:00 PM
Green Party of Allegheny County Virtual General Assembly
Zoom contact and more information from: [email protected]



GPPA Meeting Dates for 2020:

  • September (in-person, retreat) - Saturday/Sunday September 12/13
  • November, Post-Election Day (virtual) - Sunday, November 15

Web Conferences are online - RSVP to get connection information.  The locations for in-person conferences are to be determined.  In-person conferences can be hosted by counties, county groups, or regions. These events are fundraisers.  When hosted locally, the host group receives back half of the revenue after expenses.  To apply for hosting, submit your info to our Application for Local Hosting of GPPA State Meetings or GPPA-Sponsored EventsWe strive for geographic diversity in reviewing applications, however, all submissions are considered.


Green Party of Pennsylvania Communications Team & Media Committee 

Issue Credits:

EDITORS: Chris Robinson, Dave Ochman, &Hal Brown   
CONTRIBUTORS: Tim Runkle, Chris Robinson, Garret Wassermann, & Jay Sweeney
LAYOUT: Dannee Schoepfer & Hal Brown 
GRAPHIC ARTS: Kevin Richardson 



Everything we do is based on our Four Pillars and Ten Key ValuesIf you find that you share these ideals, come and join the movement.

You can support the Green Party in many ways; however, a monthly sustaining donation helps to fund a solid infrastructure to help local chapters coordinate candidates and provide resources to make their campaigns successful.  As little as $3 per month can have a significant impact! 

                     Sustaining Donation           Single Donation          Purchase Green Merchandise

Join us and help bring about a future where people and planet are valued over profits. We have a new, tiered membership structure that allows you to determine your level of commitment and support. And if you want to get more directly involved, consider joining an action team.  Work with other committed progressives and activists in activities such as planning events, developing media content, or helping with campaigns. Let's join together to make 2020 the year of progressives!


The Green Star is an official publication of the Green Party of Pennsylvania Communications Team * 2020 


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