State Structural Diagram
Green Party structure is not the typical top-down structure of many organizations. The voters, members, and supporters are the roots; the locals spring from them and are part of them; the state is only there to help provide organization and support. The authority and decision-making stems from the affiliated local county chapters made up of committed Greens throughout the state.
The state party is made up of representatives from affiliated locals and serves to support the local chapters as well as Greens in unaffiliated counties. The Steering Committee helps to enact the decisions of the state, with the help of four teams of committees: the Core Team, Finance Team, Communications Team, and GreenWave. The committee team leaders provide mentoring and support for day-to-day party functions and achievement of short- and long-term goals.
GreenWave, which is the elections/outreach team, is organized as a regional network of coordinators/members to provide support throughout the state - in the remote areas as well as in populous, well-organized areas. However, authority for choosing local candidates always belongs to the county affiliates within the specified districts those candidates would represent.
If you are interested in becoming a part of this group of individuals who are committed to providing choices on the ballot for Pennsylvanians who do not feel represented by the candidates selected for them and who are working toward a future in which people, not money, decide their leaders, visit our members page to sign up and receive regular updates of our activities and events. If you already know that you want to help, visit our Volunteers and Action Teams page to see where your skills and talents (or even just your enthusiasm) can help.
GreenWave Regional Map