Green Party Candidates will appear on PA 2024 Ballot

Green Party of Pennsylvania
Friday, August 9, 2024
Chris Robinson, Communication Team Co-Leader
267-977-0570 and [email protected]
Green Party Candidates will appear on PA 2024 Ballot
On August 9, the Green Party's state-wide candidates were accepted on the 2024 General Election ballot by the Pennsylvania Department of State. Candidates Jill Stein for President of the U.S.A., Leila Hazou for U.S. Senate and Richard L. Weiss Esq. for PA Attorney General had not been challenged by the deadline.
Green Party of Pennsylvania (GPPA) Co-chair Jeremy Griffin had been pleased by the number of nominations papers submitted to the PA Department of State on August 1. He said at the time, "We are excited to announce that all GPPA candidates have met the requirements to be on the ballot for this November. This is a major accomplishment for the Green Party and the working-class voters here in our Commonwealth. Volunteers and paid petitioners from all walks of life and political convictions worked hard to get our candidates on the ballot, and we exceeded our goal of 10,000 signatures. This is a testament to how effective grassroots organizing can be, and just how ready Pennsylvanians are for an opposition party to lead our state and federal governments."
Griffin continued, "We gathered significantly more signatures this election cycle than we did in 2020, making it harder for the Democratic Party to succeed in blocking our ballot access. Our improvement on signatures in both quality and quantity was due to our new and improved Greenwave Team's effort and structure. Thank you to the Greenwave Team Co-leaders Alex Casper (Philadelphia) and Theron Gilliland Jr. (Allegheny) for leading the effort. We applaud all your efforts around our Commonwealth to help make this happen."
"As we celebrate our collective victory in gaining ballot access for our candidates," Jonathan Richards (Wyoming) a Green Party organizer said, "let us also reflect on how important this election cycle is for the Commonwealth, the nation and the global community as a whole. We are living through the darkest moment in our global history and together we are changing the political landscape and making history with every step we take toward a greener, better world of tomorrow for the workers of the nation and the world of today. Power to the People, Power to the VoterThis is what Democracy looks like!"
GPPA Steering Committee Member Alex Casper explained, "Being on the ballot will have a significant impact for issues our community members face. There will now be candidates on the ballot who talk about solutions to end homelessness, end mass incarceration, and end fracking. Green Party candidates will put clean water and universal healthcare on the ballot."
GPPA Co Chair Jeremy Griffin said, "We would also like to extend a very special and heartfelt Thank You to the Jill Stein Campaign and Leila Hazou Campaign for organizing volunteers in various parts of the state and the organizations that supported them, including NEPA for Palestine, NEPA DSA and others. We also want to thank the GPPA Steering Committee, as well as Chris Robinson of the GPPA Communication Team, for helping count and number our nomination papers. We are proud and honored that together we got Richard L. Wiess, Leila Hazou and Jill Stein on the General Election ballot here. These Candidates cannot express their gratitude enough for the time and energy it took from our grassroot organizing to get them here. Thank you all for making a difference, and let's continue to make this election cycle a historic one."
Green Party organizer Chris Robinson (Philadelphia) added, "Our candidates will give PA voters the opportunity to vote for justice in Palestine, an end to the nuclear arms race and a U.S. budget focused the people not the Pentagon. With Jill Stein for President we will be able to vote for "People, Planet and Peace . . . not Profits."
If you are interested in volunteering and helping the Green Party continue to make history, please visit, to learn how! If you would like to contribute to the Green Party, please visit, 
The Green Party of PA,, is an independent political party which stands in opposition to the two corporate parties. GPPA candidates promote public policy based on the Green Party’s Four Pillars: grassroots democracy, nonviolence, ecological wisdom, and social justice/equal opportunity. For further information about GPPA, please email [email protected]. Please follow GPPA on social media: Facebook; Instagram,; and Twitter


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