Green Party Enlisting PA Volunteers

Green Party of Pennsylvania

News Release

For release: Thursday, April 28, 2022


For more information please contact 

Chris Robinson, 267-977-0570, [email protected]

Green Party Enlisting PA Volunteers

Green Party of Pennsylvania (GPPA, Co-Chair Beth Scroggin told voters at the end of March, “The Green Party has an excellent slate of candidates running for office this year, but we need your help to get them on the ballot.  Whether you’re a seasoned petitioner or have never carried a clipboard before, we would be so grateful for you to join us this year in helping our candidates achieve ballot access and get into office, where they can start making the changes we so desperately need!”

Scroggin was talking about Richard L. Weiss, Esq. (Allegheny County) who is running for U.S. Senate from PA, Christina “PK” DiGiulio (Chester County) who is making a bid for PA Governor, and Michael Bagdes-Canning (Butler County) who is campaigning to be PA Lt. Governor. These three activists support renewable energy, single-payer healthcare, a just transition to a new economy, and an end to corruption in Harrisburg. Plus, they are ready to take on all candidates from the two corporate parties, if they have your support. 

Chris Robinson (Philadelphia), leader of GPPA’s communication team, made a good point when he said, “Great candidates are only as good as their supporters. Interested voters, who are disgusted with the two corporate parties, will have to volunteer if they want an alternative on the ballot. This will not happen by magic! It will take hundreds of volunteers petitioning in every city and borough to have Green Party candidates nominated for the November 2022 General Election.”

“Right now, gathering signatures on the Green Party petitions to nominate state-wide candidates is a great opportunity for new activists,” said GPPA Steering Committee Member Beth Schongar (Allegheny County).  

“First, it will give them a great opening to talk to people about the Green Party and progressive politics,” said Schongar. “Volunteers will be asking voters to help us get candidates on the ballot and increase everyone’s choices on Election Day. Most voters are glad to help and interested to find out that the Green Party is real and active. It can lead to interesting conversations and recruit new members.”

“Second,” continued Schongar, “getting enough nomination signatures to put us on the ballot will give Green Party candidates the opportunity to join debates, particularly with the League of Women Voters. It will also allow our candidates to issue news releases and join other forums to share Green Party views. When our candidates present Green Party policies, it helps people realize that the Green Party is the future. Petitioning and campaigning are our opportunities to make our views known and increase participation. Let’s make the best of it by getting out and collecting signatures on the Green Party’s nominating petitions!” 

Joining the Green Party effort is quick and easy, just leave your contact information via email [email protected] or telephone 717-839-2395. The Green Party of Pennsylvania (GPPA) is an independent political party which stands in opposition to the two corporate parties. GPPA candidates promote public policy based on the Green Party’s Four Pillars: grassroots democracy, nonviolence, ecological wisdom, and social justice/equal opportunity. For further information about GPPA, please visit Please follow GPPA on social media: Facebook,; Instagram, ttps://; and Twitter,


For more information:
Announcing the Green Party of PA 2022 Candidates” by Co-chair Beth Scroggin, GPPA news release, March 21, 2022, 


“Sign up here to receive instructions on securing a 2022 Green Party Nomination Petition,” GPPA,  


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