Greens Say PA Legislators Working Overtime to Destroy the Planet

PHILADELPHIA – As the world goes on strike for peace and ecology and engages in direct action to save the planet, some PA legislators are working overtime to push through HB 1102, the Keystone Energy Enhancement Act. On September 23, the House Commerce Committee is scheduled to vote on this bill, which proposes to use tax dollars to set up and develop "Energy Enhancement Zones," where fracked gas will be promoted and new fracking spurred.

HB 1102 is "designed to encourage, facilitate, and subsidize natural gas and related manufacturing industries, including the highly polluting petrochemical industries, in Pennsylvania," ťaccording to a letter by the Delaware Riverkeepers Network. The Green Party of Pennsylvania (GPPA) steering committee has signed onto this letter, requesting that the House Commerce Committee reject the bill.

Green Party of Pennsylvania

Friday, September 20, 2019

Chris Robinson, Communication Team, 215-843-4256, [email protected]

GPPA Co-chair Sheri Miller from Adams County said, "The Green Party urges PA legislators to vote "NO" on HB 1102. We urge all voters in PA to contact their legislators to voice their opposition to this bill. We urge everyone to flood the media to highlight this disastrous bill, so it can be stopped."

Chris Robinson, a GPPA delegate from Philadelphia, praised the effort to stop HB 1102, saying, "I hope that next year many environmental activists will run for a seat in the PA House as Green Party candidates. Then, we can end these crack-pot ideas foisted on us by the two corporate parties."

"The adverse costs associated with subsidizing the petrochemical industry are well documented," according to Alan Smith, GPPA co-chair from Chester County. "Our environment, our health, and our economic well being are all at grave risk should this bill pass. In defense of the planet, HB 1102 must be eschewed by PA legislators and must be removed from any consideration in the future. Let our voices be heard! Eschew 1102! Remove 1102!"

The Green Party of PA is an independent political party that stands in opposition to the two corporate parties. GPPA candidates promote public policy based on the Green Party's four pillars: grassroots democracy, nonviolence, ecological wisdom, and social justice/equal opportunity. For further information about GPPA, please visit or email [email protected]. Follow GPPA on social media: Facebook and Twitter.


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