October 2020 Green Star


October 2020

Working toward a future where people and planet are valued, and our government represents all of us.

PA Green Party warns of rule by corporate club

With a 5-2 Democratic majority, the PA Supreme Court ruled on 9/17 that Green Party Presidential Candidate Howie Hawkins would be taken off the PA ballot for the General Election. This overturned a previous ruling by the PA Commonwealth Court.

In response to this loss, by the Green Party of Pennsylvania (GPPA), Co-chair Alan Smith (Chester) lamented, "All the hard work we did, being forced to petition during a pandemic, risking our lives and the lives of others, over 30 volunteers painstakingly reviewing our petitions line by line, thousands of dollars spent in lawyers fees, and the courts still manage to kick two of our candidates off the ballot, one of them a queer, working-class Black woman".

"The extensive bureaucratic processes to run for office or even get on the ballot are designed to keep everyday people disempowered and discouraged. If we want to live in a truly representative democracy we must push to eliminate these voter suppression techniques built into the system. We must rally to end these Jim Crow like processes so that the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania will have true freedom of choice and will not be ruled by a corporate club. As it stands now there is no integrity to our elections. They are fraudulent."

GPPA Co-Chair Sheri Miller (Adams) warned, “I know there is a lot of fear around this election, however, the idea that any political party can successfully remove a legitimate opponent from the ballot through bureaucratic manipulation should greatly concern every person who wants to live in a free society, regardless of whether they personally believe a Green Party candidate on the ballot would swing the election to the ‘greater evil.’ The greater evil is the acceptance of disenfranchising voters in a democracy. What did this exercise in voter suppression accomplish? Possibly the loss of the election for the Democrats in PA as thousands of angry people, many of whom would likely have voted for what they considered to be the lesser evil, decide to stay home on election day, disgusted with this entire mockery of our democracy. Apparently, the Democrats learned nothing (show all)



GPPA News Highlights   

  edited by Chris Robinson 

Green Party of PA Will End Housing Insecurity  by Justin Bell, 9/18/20

The Green Party would begin by ensuring that people do not become homeless. That part won't be easy. The Green Party’s Howie Hawkins, candidate for president of the U.S., has put forth an Economic Bill of Rights. This would include ending poverty as we know it. Hawkins says, “We will end poverty by guaranteeing every person has an income above the poverty line. The income guarantee will be built into the federal progressive income tax structure. If your income is below poverty, the federal government will send you a monthly check to bring your income above the poverty line. . . . We will update the official poverty line to reflect a realistic income needed for self-sufficiency to pay for basic needs. Researchers find that 200% of the current poverty line is a more realistic poverty line.” (show all)


Opinion: “PA Democrats should give up ballot fight against Green Party candidate”  by Tina Olson, Lehigh Valley Green Party, 9/16/20

[Democrats] believe, wrongly, that if they kick the Greens off of the ballots that we will vote for their unworthy and inadequate candidate. . . . The Green Party is a hub of progressive politics, the home of grassroots, and a beacon for the disenfranchised voter. With this affront to our civil rights, we can no longer support their progressive candidates hailing from such factions as Democratic Socialists, Working Families Party, or volunteer for common causes. That bridge has been burned. (show all)


GPPA State Virtual Meeting  9/13/20

On September 13, GPPA held its fall virtual meeting of county delegates. There were 36 delegates participating and 11 observers. There were reports from active county Green Parties, and reports from GPPA’s four teams. Delegates were asked to nominate candidates for 2021 Green Party leadership election, which will be held on January 10, 2021. The nomination form is here, https://www.gpofpa.org/nominations


PA Greens Charge Democrats With Delaying 2020 Ballot 9/12/20

“The Green Party of Pennsylvania calls on the PA Democratic Party to drop its frivolous legal challenge,” demanded GPPA Secretary Beth Scroggin (Chester). “Democrats should allow the mail-in ballots to be printed and distributed widely as soon as possible, and instead use their energy and money to join the Green Party in fighting against climate change, poverty, war, and the growing creep of fascism. The Democratic Party is now reinforcing growing concerns that cuts to the U.S. Postal Service by the current administration may further delay the return of mail-in ballots.” (show all)


Badges-Canning Announces Run For Green Party In PA District 64  by Tyler Frielon, 9/4/20

A local teacher, union leader, and community organizer has formally announced his intentions to run for a seat in the state House of Representatives. During a virtual rally [9/4] on Facebook, Michael Bagdes-Canning formally declared his candidacy for the District 64 seat currently occupied by Republican R. Lee James. Bagdes-Canning is a Green Party candidate with an anti-corruption platform focused on bringing green jobs to the district and expanding healthcare access. (show all)


Green Party: Allegheny County, PA, Must Ban ‘Less Lethal Devices'  by Jay Walker, 8/31/20

The Allegheny County Council has voted down a bill banning “less lethal weapons” by a vote of 12 to 3. The bill would have prevented the use of weapons like tear gas, flash-bang grenades, and rubber bullets by the Allegheny County Police. The bill was introduced in response to the use of tear gas by the Pittsburgh Police against nonviolent, Black Lives Matter demonstrators. There were nine Democrats and three Republicans voting against the ban on “less lethal weapons.” The following testimony was delivered by Chair Jay Walker, Green Party of Allegheny County (GPOAC, http://www.alleghenygreens.org), at the Allegheny County Council meeting. (show all)


PA Green Party stands with Dr. Rachel Levine 8/24/20

The Green Party of Pennsylvania (GPPA) unanimously upholds an unwavering commitment to ending harassment and violence towards LGBTQA+ by standing with Dr. Rachel Levine, secretary of the PA Department of Health. This decision by the GPPA Steering Committee on August 16 was made in response to the continued transphobic attacks Levine has incurred. The platform of the Green Party of the U.S. says, "We affirm the right of choosing non-binary and gender-fluid identifications. We, therefore, support the right of individuals to be free from coercion and involuntary assignment of gender or sex." (show all)


Letter to the Editor: “Do Democrats believe in democracy?”  by Bob Small, former chair of Delco Greens, 8/22/20

As Ronald Reagan famously said in 1980, "There you go again." This time the Pennsylvania Democratic Party reacts in fear and trembling to the big bad Pennsylvania Green Party by once again taking them to court to keep them off the November ballot, as though Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden is afraid of Green Party presidential candidate Howie Hawkins. (show all)



Campaign Updates   

  edited by Chris Robinson  


Jay Ting Walker for PA Representative, District 23
Jay told GREEN STAR, "As Election Day approaches, we're fighting an uphill battle against a 21-year incumbent to finally bring action on Climate Change and Racial Justice to the people of PA District 23. We need you fighting alongside us, and we have volunteer opportunities from now until Election Day. Every little bit goes a long way for us.”
Follow Jay’s campaign on Facebook, https://www.facebook.com/JayTingWalker; Twitter, https://twitter.com/Jaytingwalker; or Instagram, https://www.instagram.com/jaytingwalker/. Donations and volunteers from across the state are more than welcome on my website, http://jaytingwalker.com/


Garret Wassermann for PA Representative, District 45
Garret told GREEN STAR, “Please WRITE IN Garret Wassermann for PA House District 45 on November 3! We were unable to get on the ballot this year, but I will not back down. You can still write in my name, as the only candidate in support of a #GreenNewDeal, #MedicareForAll, and community control of the police to end police brutality. There are too many issues at stake in this election, and neither Democrats nor Republicans have solutions.” You can learn more about Garret’s campaign or donate at http://www.votegarret.org/. Garret’s Facebook is https://www.facebook.com/VoteGarret/


Michael Bagdes-Canning for PA Representative, District 64
Michael told GREEN STAR, “The people of my region need a voice that will reflect the hopes and aspirations of the residents of Franklin, Oil City, Eau Claire, Pleasantville and Barkeyville, not the boardrooms in Houston, New York, or Amsterdam. For decades, we’ve watched as businesses leave, stores close, opportunities dry up and our children move away to find employment. My campaign is about bringing 21st century jobs that do not leave or poison our air and water, restoring workplace democracy and a living wage, ensuring that we all have access to high quality and affordable healthcare, restoring the funding to guarantee that every child gets a quality education and that students are not saddled with crippling debt when they graduate from college, and getting dirty money out of politics. We aren’t only running for office, we’re also building a democracy movement, people over profits, Main Street over Wall Street.” You can follow Michael on Instagram, https://www.instagram.com/mike4pa64/; Twitter, https://mobile.twitter.com/bagdescanning; Facebook, https://m.facebook.com/mikebagdescanning; and his website, https://www.mikeforpa64.com/


Noel Antonio Rivera for PA Representative, District 127
Noel told GREEN STAR, “I have seen the various inequities that exist in the U.S. and PA. I have held labor, retail, and office jobs. I have served in the military. I've been homeless, transient, and stable. I am a college graduate and a family man. I truly believe that positive changes can happen and not at the expense of the people. I am passionate about consumer protection, community engagement, and economic development. I support local entrepreneurs over corporations the best I can.​” Noel’s Facebook is, https://www.facebook.com/riveraforpa/, and his website is https://riveraforpa.wixsite.com/bethechange. He can be reached at [email protected]


Three State-wide Green Party Candidates, https://www.greenslate2020.org/


Richard L. Weiss, Esq. for PA Attorney General
Richard told GREEN STAR, “Our system of justice is based on the principle that it is better to let a guilty person go free than to convict an innocent one. I would rather take a bullet than shoot an innocent person. Let us develop a system of policing based on that principle. Police should have the best body armor. Train not to shoot unless an actual gun being drawn is seen. People running away who are not a clear danger to the community should not be fired upon. With these rules in place, new methods of engagement can be developed and implemented that protect both police and the community. I support citizen review boards and special prosecutors for police misconduct. All interactions between police and members of the public should be on camera and subject to citizen review. Therefore I support requiring body cameras to be worn by all police and to be placed on all detainees as well.
"I support recruiting police officers who never carry a gun. They would have body armor, a nightstick, a taser, maybe pepper spray, even a (bulletproof) shield and helmet in certain situations, but they wouldn't carry a firearm. They would wear a body camera. One of their jobs would be to film interactions of police with the public. Their responsibility would be to de-escalate situations and not rely on firearms or solely on force. If circumstances are beyond their capability, then they can call in armed backup. They may eventually become a majority of police.
"The U.S. incarcerates a greater percentage of its population than any other country. The current system incarcerates many who have not been convicted of a crime, for no reason other than they do not have money to post bail. This is a tremendous waste of resources. Overcrowded conditions in prisons during a pandemic is cruel and unusual punishment. Instead of building more prisons, we should not pursue charges for mere possession or use of cannabis or for sex work, nor seek cash bail. In addition, we should divert non-dangerous offenders as much as possible to programs other than incarceration, fight against crime that threatens the community, against corruption and for consumer protection.”


Tim Runkle for PA Treasurer
Pleased follow Tim on Facebook, https://www.facebook.com/Tim4ElectedOffice/


Olivia Faison for PA Auditor General



Team Updates   

Finance Team by Tim Runkle

Finance TeamTo join the Finance Team, please visit HERE.



GreenWave Team by Garret Wassermann

GreenWaveThank you so much to the volunteers and donors who ensured our slate of state row offices are on the ballot! With their help, we turned in over 8,500 nomination signatures, quickly validated them against voter records with a large team of volunteers, and raised nearly $15,000 to cover legal expenses. Unfortunately, the Democratic Party was successful at kicking Howie Hawkins and Angela Walker off the ballot by appealing our lower court victory to the PA Supreme Court. You will be able vote for them by write-in on the space provided on your ballot. From now until November 3, we'll be working hard to promote our candidates with social media, phone banking, and more. Find out about all of our statewide candidates at http://greenslate2020.org/ and our Green presidential ticket Howie Hawkins and Angela Walker at http://howiehawkins.us/. Please share the website and information about our candidates. We're asking Greens statewide to volunteer to phone bank for Michael Bagdes-Canning's exciting campaign for PA Representative District 64 at http://mikeforpa64.com/phonebank.

To join the Green Wave Team, please visit HERETo receive an invitation to the next Green Wave virtual meeting, please contact us HERE


Communications Team by Chris Robinson

Communications TeamThe GPPA ComTeam believes it is important to tell the world what the Green Party is doing. We have emailed 31 news releases to the media this year. To join our team, please volunteer at https://www.gpofpa.org/, or to join online, sign up HERE.


Core Team by Charles Sherrouse

Core TeamIf you are interested in helping, sign up HERE.





National Green News   

  edited by David Ochmanowicz


Please volunteer to edit this page for future issues of GREEN STAR.‌ ‌Instruction is available.


Journal Times editorial: Elections Commission, state high court failed Wisconsin voters

Another dissent dismissed the high court majority's "made-up standard of 'it is too late' in order to deny ballot access and limit voter choice" and noted that the high court had previously directed that Ralph Nader and Peter Camejo be added to the November ballot on Sept. 30, 2004, "notably weeks later than what the court here considers too late." The byzantine actions of the Wisconsin Elections Commission point to the need for reform and a less political makeup. We get no justice, fairness or equity in our elections when partisan commissioners are focused on the political end-game. The high court only compounded the dysfunction of the Elections Commission by being stamped into a hasty decision. The Green Party never got its day in court — either before the commission or the high court. That is a travesty and an affront to all voters in the state. (show all)


Green Party's Muller Paz seeks to unseat Democrat Stokes in Baltimore's only competitive City Council race

A community organizer and an immigrant, Muller Paz is funneling her experiences into a potentially historic campaign for City Council. She's challenging Democratic City Councilman Robert Stokes in the Nov. 3 election, and hopes to become the first Green Party candidate to win a seat in City Hall. "There's so much work that needs to be done," she said, arguing that the status quo isn't working for the voters of District 12, which includes areas of Central, East and North Baltimore. (show all)


Lisa Savage participates in first of four debates

Appearing together for the first time, alongside independents Lisa Savage and Max Linn, Collins and her well-funded opponent were more respectful than the barrage of negative advertising that is filling Maine's television airwaves. But the debate – jointly sponsored by the Portland Press Herald, the Bangor Daily News and News Center Maine – highlighted major policy differences between the two front-runners on issues such as access to quality health care. (show all)


Letter: Harris another reason to vote Green Party

Harris and Governor Brown enabled PG&E to continue putting profits ahead of maintenance, resulting in the Camp Fire, killing more than 80 and destroying Paradise. Of course, if Republicans were in power, PG&E would have bought them, as they had bought the Democrats. That’s US style “democracy.” In choosing Harris, Biden chose “ethnic allure” over values and vision. (show all)


Busch Light boycott? How Iowa's favorite beer upholds the two-party system

Supporters of the Green Party and Libertarian Party presidential candidates are calling for a boycott of Busch’s parent company over its surprisingly strong ties to the two-party system.

Anheuser-Busch is the longest-running sponsor of the Commission on Presidential Debates, which has long been accused of blocking third-party participation in the democratic process. In addition to Busch Light, a favorite among Iowans and only Iowans, the company sells Budweiser, Stella Artois, the ‘Rita line of fruity drinks, and a long list of other alcoholic beverage brands.

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Global Green News   

  edited by Hal Brown

AustralianGreens ready for major campaign October 24 council Election

Exciting news from the Victorian Greens ahead of council elections slated to be held on October 24th. From their website: The Victorian Greens have welcomed reports that this year’s local government election will be held on October 24, saying their 80+ metro and regional candidates are ready to go. The COVID-19 crisis has understandably hit communities hard, and councillors will play a vital role in our post-pandemic recovery. (show all)


Iceland PM Katrin Jakobsdottir Advocates for Demilitarized Arctic

Speaking with Agence France Presse, Islands Left Greens Prime Minister Katrín Jakobsdóttir said “Generally speaking, we have obviously seen a rise in tensions between the two countries (USA and China) and specifically on the Arctic we have seen a very growing interest, both from the United States and China. This is something that we have felt very clearly here in Iceland, and indeed throughout the region. (show all)


French Greens sweep Municipal Elections

It has been a day of historic major breakthroughs for the Green Party of France as voters went to the polls to elect new local governments. The new Mayor of Lyon is Green Party candidate Grégory Doucet. He captured a highly impressive 50.8% of the vote on his way to victory. Another huge upset occurred in Marseille where the Greens took 39.9% of the vote with Michele Rubirola becoming the new Mayor-Elect. (show all)


Green Party of India calls for Solidarity in response to COVID-19

Rajakhet, Tehri Garhwal, Uttarakhand, 23 March 2020: The India Greens Party (IGP) has formed the “COVID-19 Task Force” to spread awareness about Coronavirus and persuade people to practice social distancing and personal hygiene so that the disease can be contained from spreading. (show all)



GPPA Coming Events   

  edited by Chris Robinson

Green Party events are in GREEN. Other Movement events are in RED.


Great Green Clean-up!
Sponsored by the Green Party of Lackawanna County, thru 11/1. To register, please contact [email protected].


October 2, 11:30 am
Stop Banking the Bomb
PNC, 300 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh
Endorsed by Green Party of Allegheny County. More information from
[email protected]


October 3, 10:00 am thru October 4, 8:00 pm
PA Cannabis Festival
Renningers Market, 740 Noble Street, Kutztown.
Host: Green Party of PA
More information from:


October 6, 6:00 pm
Green Party of Allegheny County Virtual General Assembly
Zoom contact and more information from
[email protected]


October 9 thru October 11
People's Pride PGH: Black Trans Lives Matter Too
Online event, endorsed by Green Party of Allegheny County.
More information from:


Westmoreland County Adult Mental Health Expo
Ramada Inn, 100 Ramada Inn Drive, Greensburg.
More information from:


October 15, 5:30 pm
Art of Activism: A Choir, Not a Solo
Mural Arts Philadelphia. Please register in advance


October 17, 11:00 am
Stop Banking the Bomb
PNC, 730 Shenango Road, Beaver Falls.
Endorsed by Green Party of Allegheny County. More information from
mailto:[email protected]


October 17, 4:00 pm
Speak Out Against the Wars at Home & Abroad
Sponsored by United National Antiwar Coalition, Youth Against Empire.
More information from: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_ZAe_FB0yRs2RGqlq6TPh6A


October 19
LAST DAY to Register to Vote in General Election
More information from:


October 19, 7:00 pm
Green Party of Montgomery County Virtual Meeting
Virtual business meeting. More information from: [email protected]


October 24, noon
Lancaster Pride Fest
Online. Sponsored by GPPA and the Green Party of Lancaster County.
More information from:


October 25, 11:00 am
Trees of Murrysville
Tour with Sue Miller, Roberts’ Trailhead Visitors Center, 4301 William Penn Highway, Murrysville.
More information from:


October 25, 1:30 pm
Green Party of Chester County Virtual Meeting
More information from: [email protected]


October 27, 7:00 pm
Green Party of Philadelphia (GPOP) Virtual Meeting
More information from: [email protected]


October 31, 7:00 pm
PPEHRC Halloween Party
Poor Peoples’ Economic Human Rights Campaign at
Jenny’s Joint (backyard), 2025 Margaret Street, Philadelphia.
RSVP to 215-869-4753.



GPPA Meeting Dates for 2020:

  • November, Post-Election Day (virtual) - Sunday, November 15
  • January 10, Winter Web Conference (officer elections & 2021 candidate selection), noon.
  • March 14, Spring State Committee (in person, location to be determined), noon.
  • June 13, Summer Web Conference, noon.

Web Conferences are online - RSVP to get connection information.  The locations for in-person conferences are to be determined.  In-person conferences can be hosted by counties, county groups or regions. These events are fundraisers.  When hosted locally, the host group receives back half of the revenue after expenses.  To apply for hosting, submit your info to our Application for Local Hosting of GPPA State Meetings or GPPA-Sponsored EventsWe strive for geographic diversity in reviewing applications, however, all submissions are considered.


Green Party of Pennsylvania Communications Team & Media Committee 

Issue Credits:

EDITORS: Chris Robinson, David Ochmanowicz, &Hal Brown   
CONTRIBUTORS: Tim Runkle, Chris Robinson, Garret Wassermann, Jay Sweeney, Bob Small, Jay Walker, Tyler Frielon, Tina Olson & Justin Bell
LAYOUT: Dannee Schoepfer & Hal Brown 
GRAPHIC ARTS: Kevin Richardson 



Everything we do is based on our Four Pillars and Ten Key ValuesIf you find that you share these ideals, come and join the movement.

You can support the Green Party in many ways; however, a monthly sustaining donation helps to fund a solid infrastructure to help local chapters coordinate candidates and provide resources to make their campaigns successful.  As little as $3 per month can have a significant impact! 

                     Sustaining Donation           Single Donation          Purchase Green Merchandise

Join us and help bring about a future where people and planet are valued over profits. We have a new, tiered membership structure that allows you to determine your level of commitment and support. And if you want to get more directly involved, consider joining an action team.  Work with other committed progressives and activists in activities such as planning events, developing media content, or helping with campaigns. Let's join together to make 2020 the year of progressives!


The Green Star is an official publication of the Green Party of Pennsylvania Communications Team * 2020 


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