Pennsylvania Green Party candidates: "It's worth the effort"

Green Party of Pennsylvania
Tuesday, November 19, 2024
Chris Robinson, Communication Team Co-Leader
267-977-0570 and [email protected]

Green Party Candidates say, “It’s Worth the Effort”
GREEN STAR is the monthly publication of the Green Party of Pennsylvania (GPPA, GREEN STAR asked two state-wide Green Party candidates for their thoughts on the 2024 election.
Leila Hazou was the Green Party candidate for U.S. Senate. She owns a small business in Pike County. Hazou’s primary issue was a call for an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza. She campaigned for equal rights for all working people, especially women and LGBTQ, and an end to racism.
Richard L. Weiss Esq. was the Green Party candidate for PA Attorney General. He is a lawyer in Allegheny County. During his campaign, Weiss charged, “Migrants aren't taking anyone's job, prison slave laborers are.  I will require payment of market rates for work by inmates.” He also threatened to “sue any federal administration that continues to provide military aid in violation of the Foreign Assistance Act which requires that assistance may not be provided to any state which restricts humanitarian aid, as is currently occurring in Gaza."

GREEN STAR asked each of them four questions to help focus their thoughts:
GS: What advice would you offer to Greens who plan to run in 2025?
Hazou: Do it! Give it your best shot, do what you can, and just get out there. Making connections with and educating the community alone is worth your time and energy.

Weiss: Fight the good fight. It’s worth the effort to get our message out whether or not we win.
GS: This year, PA voters could begin voting with mail-in ballots on October 1. Do you think mail-in voting has affected Green Party campaigns?
Hazou: Mail-in voting means we need to be out campaigning early and heavily before mail-ins start.
Weiss: Yes. Campaigns should be in full swing before mail-in voting starts.
GS: Did you have volunteers at some of the polls on 11/5?
Hazou: GPPA had volunteers out, but we need more volunteers to be able to cover more precincts.
Weiss: The Green Party of Allegheny County had people out knocking doors and handing out literature at the polls. The GPPA and the Leila Hazou Campaign had volunteers at many polling places.
GS: Do you plan to run again for office as a Green Party candidate?
Hazou: I haven’t decided yet, but possibly another Senate run in 2028.
Weiss: It’s a possibility.

The Green Party of Pennsylvania is currently seeking candidates for local and county offices for the 2025 election cycle. Those who are interested in running for mayor, city or borough council, judge, auditor, sheriff, constable or tax collector should contact [email protected].

The Green Party of PA,, is an independent political party which stands in opposition to the two corporate parties. GPPA candidates promote public policy based on the Green Party’s Four Pillars: grassroots democracy, nonviolence, ecological wisdom, and social justice/equal opportunity. For further information about GPPA, please email [email protected]. Please follow GPPA on social media: Facebook; Instagram,; and Twitter


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