September 2018 Committee Updates


Core TeamThe Core Team has solved the email spam problem in NationBuilder and the NationBuilder maintenance team is so grateful!. The Core Team will be sending out revised Rules to the state Party’s delegates this weekend for review and a final vote of approval at our September 2018 Virtual Meeting on September 16th.  This will mark the culmination of the team’s hard work, for more than a year, to ensure that the final document represents members’ views and provides strong guidance to support the Party. The September 16th meeting will also kick off the nominating process for Green Party of Pennsylvania’s officers, Steering Committee, and national representatives to be voted on next January.  For more information about the September 2018 Virtual Meeting, visit       


Communications TeamDavid Ochmanowicz Jr, who has been instrumental in helping us get the Communications Team off the ground, is stepping down from the position of Team Leader to devote more attention to his newly-elected position on the School Board. Dave has juggled family, work, and his commitment to our Party for many years. His tremendous efforts and expertise have strengthened our public relations and communications abilities and helped us to grow. Thank you Dave! Bill Pilkonis, the Co-Leader of the Communications Team, will be flying solo until another Co-Leader is appointed.


Finance TeamThe Finance Team would like to thank those generous donors and volunteers who offered their support during the Ballot Access Legal Defense Fund drive. With their help we were able to raise $1,420.18 during the fundraiser. Because our petitions were not challenged, we did not need to spend all the funds received, so the remainder is now reserved as part of our Legal Defense Fund for any future need of this kind.

The open comment period for the 2019 Budget Proposal Survey was closed on August 31 and now the Finance Team is moving forward with a conceptual 2019 Budget based on your responses. The conceptual budget will be presented during the next meeting of the GPPA State Committee in September. Find more details on the proposal schedule and process at then go one step further and help the Finance Team by attending our bi-weekly meetings. Sign up at


Green WaveOur 4-month petitioning campaign culminated July 31st when we successfully filed over 8,100 signatures on behalf of our statewide candidates. The combined contributions of nearly 100 volunteers across the state were anchored by the extraordinary collection efforts of Neal, Paul, & Jocolyn, who together were responsible for 1/3 of the total submitted. They have truly earned their place on the ballot! With the help of volunteers collecting on their behalf, our state legislative candidates Darcelle Slappy, Jay Sweeney, and Jay Walker were further responsible for another ¼ of the total signatures.

With no legal challenges forthcoming, our candidates were able to focus in August on scheduling campaign events, answering position questionnaires, & seeking endorsements. Notably, Jay Sweeney & Jay Walker have both been endorsed in their races by Our Revolution PA. The most significant contribution YOU can make to our Green campaigns is to volunteer at the polls on Election Day. Whether you can give an hour or a full day, please sign up today! Election Day Volunteer Sign-up

GreenWave oversees a regional network of support for candidates, campaigns, and new county affiliations. If you'd like to be involved in a state or local campaign, help organize a new local in your county, or apply for an internship, contact Green Wave. It takes hundreds of Greens just like you to make the Green Party work. We are a people-powered party!


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