Growing Ethical, Accountable Government from the Grassroots
Green Party of Pennsylvania
Wednesday, September 27, 2023
Chris Robinson, Communication Team Co-Leader
215-843-4256 and [email protected]
Growing Ethical, Accountable Government from the Grassroots
GREEN STAR contributor Patrick O. McNally posed several questions to Alex Noyle, Green Party candidate for Auditor of East Norriton Township, Montgomery County.
GS, Please give us an idea of what went into your decision to run for elected office.
Noyle: First and foremost, I am running to increase the accountability of my local government. Without our campaign on the ballot, the only option East Norriton voters would have to audit the township is a member of one of the parties currently in power. I don’t think the parties who run the township should be their own financial watchdog. I am also running to grow my local Green Party chapter’s active membership by making contact with existing registered Greens who don’t currently show up to meetings, and by registering non-voters to participate for the first time. Another goal I have with this campaign is to grow the number of elected officials GPUS has to bolster our movement nationally, from the bottom-up.
GS, Did you get inspiration from the Green Party's Ten Key Values?
Noyle: In my experience on the campaign trail over the years, many people are Greens already, but they just don’t realize it yet! That was certainly true for me prior to joining the Green Party in 2016. The Ten Key Values are a moral compass that I always try to apply to my everyday life. “Future Focus” connects with me most of all. The question in front of us is not just what kind of future we are going to have, but whether we are going to have one at all. That is why we need Green voices in the halls of power more than ever.

GS, Now that you have a soapbox, what do you plan to say to the voters?
Noyle: My message to voters is that they have an opportunity to elect an “Independent, Ethical, and Accountable” Township Auditor. As someone who is not tangled up in the two-party system, I have no institutional representation in East Norriton, nor anywhere else in Montgomery County. I thus have no incentive to cover for those in power. If I see any irregularities, I will call them out. Voters can trust me to be honest because I take no corporate money and neither does my party. I am the only candidate on the ballot for any election in the township who can say that.
GS, Did you receive help from other Green Party members? Maybe from people who are not Green Party members?
Noyle: Most of my current volunteers are active members of the Bucks and Montgomery Green Parties. During my campaign, I aim to grow my volunteer base by prioritizing new contact with registered Greens and Independents. I want this run to serve as an on-ramp for disenfranchised and underrepresented people in East Norriton to get involved with independent politics.
GS, How will you campaign before the November 7 General Election? Snail mail? Literature drops in your township? Phone banking?
Noyle: My campaign meets once a week, on Wednesday nights. We will be organizing weekly door-to-door canvassing events on weekends starting in October. If we can’t reach someone after multiple attempts, we will leave behind a campaign flier so that they still hear of our campaign. Our aim is to introduce ourselves to as many residents as we can, so that they don’t look at their ballot and see a stranger. We are also planning to promote our campaign with literature, yard signs and targeted online advertising.
GS, Are you planning to fundraise for these expenses?
Noyle: Yes. We have raised $250 so far, which is our financial limit until we can find a campaign treasurer. Our primary expense has been printing campaign literature. We are looking for an experienced volunteer from GPPA to take on the important role of Treasurer by the end of September. To help us afford yard signs, handouts, and other promotional material, we will try to raise over $1,000 from small-dollar donors.
GS, What help would you like from Green Party members who live near your township?
Noyle: Most importantly, we need all hands on deck for Election Day, November 7. If we have volunteers posted at East Norriton’s six polling places throughout the day, it will make all the difference in the election. Until then, we are looking for volunteers to do door-to-door canvassing, and to show up to campaign meetings on Wednesday nights with their ideas!
Follow and Support Alex Noyle’s campaign:
Email: [email protected] ; Facebook: ; and Twitter:
The Green Party of PA,, is an independent political party which stands in opposition to the two corporate parties. GPPA candidates promote public policy based on the Green Party’s Four Pillars: grassroots democracy, nonviolence, ecological wisdom, and social justice/equal opportunity. For further information about GPPA, please email [email protected].
Please follow GPPA on social media: Facebook,; Instagram,; and Twitter,