Bucks Greens endorses Climate March in Doylestown September 22 2019
Bucks County, PA Green Party
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
David Ochmanowicz; [email protected]
Jenny Isaacs; [email protected]
Bucks County Green Party endorses the Climate Strike & March in Doylestown September 22, 2019
Doylestown, PA - The Bucks County Green Party has endorsed and will support a local Climate Strike event to be held in Doylestown PA, following the lead of the Green Party of the US in endorsing national and global climate strike actions in September being led in the U.S. by the Sunrise Movement.
On Sunday, September 22nd, Bucks Students for Climate Action and Protection of the Environment (BSCAPE) is calling youth and adults alike to march in Doylestown.
The Doylestown event will take place from 12-1:30 PM, convening in the front parking lot of Central Bucks High School West. The group will be led by BSCAPE youth in a march to the Bucks County Courthouse, where youth, adult, and organizational speakers will share their personal stories and passionate calls against climate change.
“Pennsylvania's troublesome expansion of harmful fossil fuel extraction is not only shortsighted but dangerous. There are few permanent jobs and the long term damage to our environment doesn’t provide any recompense for the small profits made by a few people, subsidised by our tax dollars AND our future,” said David Ochmanowicz Jr., past Chair of the Bucks County Green Party and currently an elected School Director in Quakertown Community School District.
He goes on to add, “An Adelphia Gateway Pipeline compressor station is being planned for less than a mile and a half from Trumbauersville Elementary School, 24/7 piping out carcinogens, VOCS (volatile organic chemicals) and methane (a greenhouse gas). I am concerned for the students who will be in that building for the years to come, breathing polluted air and in peril of blowback release events. We need to stand united for the safety of our community, students and planet.”
The Bucks County Green Party has held two meetings in Quakertown focusing on the compressor station already and will return to the Free Library on Mill St on September 30, 2019 at 7pm in Quakertown to discuss how the community can continue to respond to this threat.
Meeting details can be found at [email protected], @BCPAGreens on facebook or at www.gpofpa.org/bucks_county_green_party_sept_meeting
The Green Party is an independent political party that stands in opposition to the two corporate parties. Green Party candidates promote public policy based on the Green Party's four pillars: grassroots democracy, nonviolence, ecological wisdom, and social justice/equal opportunity
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