Supporting progressive politics in Pennsylvania.
The Green Party of Pennsylvania provides support to Green candidates and local parties and coordinates statewide efforts. We do not take any money from corporations.
One-time donors should choose what they can give by using the donate buttons found on this page. People interested in becoming a sustaining donor should follow this link to make their donation.
If you do not want to donate online, you can mail a check made payable to Green Party of Pennsylvania to:
P. O. Box 59524
Philadelphia, PA 19102
We also have a separate FEC account that is used for our Presidential campaign. You can send checks made out to our presidential campaign effort to the same address above. Just make a note in the memo field "FEC."
DonateState Meeting July 2017 Donation
Join the Green Party of PA at Presque Isle State Park in Erie, PA on July 15 and 16!
Saturday afternoon we will have the opportunity to focus on Green issues while local groups present and discuss their work in a number of relaxed workshops. Stay with us on Sunday and join the GPPA business meeting from 10am-4pm. Find more details in the our calendar event.
Help support this meeting and our work in Pennsylvania with a donation today! A $20 donation is suggested for the meeting expenses.