Palestine Working Group Meeting
Attend a meeting of the Green Party of Allegheny County's Palestine Working Group, where members discuss and coordinate ways to support the local movement for a free Palestine!
Pittsburgh Friends Meeting House
- 4836 Ellsworth Ave
- Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Wednesday, January 15, 2025
- 8:00-8:30 p.m.
Masking is required! If you do not have one, masks will be provided. The meeting will be in person only!
4836 Ellsworth Ave
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
United States
Google map and directions
Howmet Accountability Project Open Meeting
"The Howmet Accountability Project will hold a public meeting on Wednesday, January 15, 2025, at 6PM till 8 PM at the Friends Meeting House, 4836 Ellsworth Avenue, Pgh, PA 15213.
We will be soliciting your input as we develop our strategy for the 2025 campaign to get home town company, Howmet Aerospace to stop supplying parts for the F-35, the jet most commonly used in the bombardment of Palestinian homes and infrastructure in Gaza."
This meeting will be followed by a quick GPOAC Palestine Working Group meeting.
4836 Ellsworth Ave
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
United States
Google map and directions
Help put the Green Party on the ballot in Allegheny County!
Thank you for your interest in helping to get Greens on the ballot! Fill out the below form to sign up to help petition! We're also looking to fill a few other roles to help keep our petitioning efforts organized. An organized petition drive allows us to scale our efforts up.
Role descriptions:
- Petitioner - Gathers signatures to get Greens on the ballot
- Lead Petitioner - Picks events to collect signatures at, trains and supplies petitioners
- Regional organizer - Oversees lead petitioners, gathers collected petitions
- Volunteer manager - Schedules volunteers for petitioning shifts
- Events manager - Maintains events calendar
- Materials manager - Orders materials or distribution to regional organizers
Communications Team meeting - Green Party of Allegheny County
The Green Party of Allegheny County (GPoAC) is having our next Communications Team meeting on Tuesday, January 14, 2025 at 7:00 p.m. We will discuss:
- Searching for relevant news articles to share and add to website
- Sorting photos on the Google Drive
- Developing guidelines for moderating Facebook comments
Whether you are artistic and creative or well-informed and opinionated, we would love to find a way to you to use your talents and skills!
3721 Forbes Ave
Second floor
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
United States
Google map and directions
Green Party of Allegheny County Home
Welcome to the Green Party of Allegheny County!
If you live in Allegheny County or nearby county (Pittsburgh metro area), please use the following links to sign up for our mailing list, volunteer, and more!
Our main website at so please visit to learn more about us!
Green Party of Allegheny County Mailing List Signup
Hello and thank you for your interest in the Green Party of Allegheny County, the local affiliate for Pittsburgh and greater Allegheny County.
By filling out the form below, you will register for the Green Party of Allegheny County mailing list and volunteering, through our partnership with the Green Party of Pennsylvania. This allows you to easily sign up for mailing list, to volunteer, to sign petitions, and to donate in the future.
Sign up