The solution to Obamacare defects is Medicare For All
Green Party: The solution to Obamacare's defects is Medicare For All
WASHINGTON, DC -- The solution to problems with the Affordable Care Act ("Obamacare") is a "Medicare For All" Single-Payer universal health-care system, said Green Party leaders and candidates.
"Obamacare offers a set of modest positive reforms and a substantial expansion of Medicaid which are thoroughly offset by numerous defects and continued deficiencies that can be readily remedied by legislation that expands Medicare to all Americans," said John Battista, MD, former Green candidate for state representative in Connecticut and co-author of his state's single-payer legislation in 1999 (the Connecticut Health Care Security Act). "The Green Party has advocated a Single-Payer program since the party began."
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Green Party calls “Healthy PA” a privatization scheme
Corbett’s proposal should be rejected by federal government
The Green Party of Pennsylvania (GPPA []) is calling out Governor Tom Corbett for once again playing politics with people’s lives, this time in the healthcare arena. Announced on September 16, Corbett’s proposed “Healthy PA” would be a drastic diversion from the Medicaid expansion provided by the Affordable Care Act (ACA).
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