The Time Has Come
The Green Party of PA,, is an independent political party which stands in opposition to the two corporate parties. GPPA candidates promote public policy based on the Green Party’s Four Pillars: grassroots democracy, nonviolence, ecological wisdom, and social justice/equal opportunity. For further information about GPPA, please email [email protected]. Please follow GPPA on social media: Facebook,; Instagram,; and Twitter,
8/25 Bensalem, PA - Dr. Jill Stein & Dr. Butch Ware Meet & Greet Fundraiser
Exciting news!!
Our newly elected presidential and veep candidates, Jill Stein and Butch Ware, will be in Bensalem THIS SUNDAY!
Join us for a dynamic and engaging meet and greet with Green Party candidates Dr. Jill Stein and Dr. Butch Ware. This is a unique opportunity to hear directly from these influential leaders about their vision for people, planet and peace. This is also an opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals in our local community. Light fare will be provided.
August 25, 7:00 - 9:00 PM
Fishers Banquet Hall
1858 Street Rd,
Bensalem, PA 19020.
Meet our candidates, ask questions, enjoy some nibbles, and hear more about how to support their campaigns, for justice, peace, and eco-socialism!
See for further specs.
Green Party of Philadelphia
Green Party Candidates will appear on PA 2024 Ballot
PA Greens Nominate Jill Stein for President of the U.S.
Green Party of Pennsylvania
Tuesday, March 14, 2024
Chris Robinson, Communication Team Co-Leader
215-843-4256 and [email protected]
PA Greens Nominate Jill Stein for President of the U.S.
On March 10, Green Party delegates and friends from 12 Pennsylvania counties met virtually for the Green Party of PA (GPPA) State Committee meeting. The 30 delegates were in good cheer because they had just completed the first GPPA Presidential Primary. There were two winners. Jill Stein came in first place and earned 75% of the vote and was awarded ten delegates. Jasmine Sherman came in second place with 19% of the vote and earned three delegates. Jorge Zavala and write-in candidates did not earn any delegates.
Marci Henzi, a GPPA State Committee delegate from Allegheny County, was very pleased. “I am glad that Jill Stein is running again and that she has been nominated by GPPA for President. Jill has proven to be a strong leader--not only through her phenomenal campaign in 2016, but by her presence for the Green Party in the eight intervening years. Her strength and powerful rhetoric continues to inspire new and seasoned voters alike. Jill Stein is a courageous representative of what we value and what we aspire to.”
“It is marvelous that Green Party voters have chosen Jill Stein to be their candidate in PA for president of the U.S.,” said Chris Robinson a State Committee delegate from Philadelphia. “Jill Stein has always stood for people, planet and peace over profit. Now, voters who agree with her will have a choice on November 5.”
"As a member of Poor People's Army working with the organized poor everyday on the streets in the greater Philly area, I'm thrilled that Jill Stein won the GPPA presidential primary,” said Matthew Pillischer (Montgomery). “Poor and working people don't have an option that will actually mean something in either corporate party. One party smiles with a peace sign while they stab you in the back, and the other party stabs you in the chest while making fun of you. Neither party works for us. We need to build independent people power from the bottom and look for meaningful ways like this to express that in the limited but important electoral arena."
GPPA Co-chair Jeremy Griffin (Delaware) said, “Glad that we were able run a successful and transparent primary. Shout out to OpaVote and U.S. Postal Service for being the reliable tools used for our Green Party Presidential Primary. Special shout out to our GreenWave Team. GreenWave Team members came together and were the architects of this primary plan. I'm also very glad to see more people vote Green this upcoming election. I'm excited to see more Greens organized this year, too."
The GPPA State Committee also elected by consensus: a candidate for for U.S. Senate and Richard Weiss Esq. (Allegheny) for PA Attorney General. Weiss was the Green Party candidate for PA Attorney General in 2020, earning 70,804
There will be virtual training for all who wish to help get Green Party candidates on the PA ballot on Sunday, March 17 at 3:00 pm. Please RSVP here, The Green Party of PA,, is an independent political party which stands in opposition to the two corporate parties. GPPA candidates promote public policy based on the Green Party’s Four Pillars: grassroots democracy, nonviolence, ecological wisdom, and social justice/equal opportunity. For further information about GPPA, please email [email protected]. Please follow GPPA on social media: Facebook,; Instagram,; and Twitter,
Green Party To Add Delegates to PA State Committee
Green Party of Pennsylvania
Sunday, December 17, 2023
Chris Robinson, Communication Team Co-Leader
215-843-4256 and [email protected]
Green Party To Add Delegates to PA State Committee
At the State Committee meeting of the Green Party of Pennsylvania (GPPA, on November 12, the 30 elected delegates voted by consensus to change the Rules (think “by-laws”) of the party to include more elected delegates from unorganized parts of the Commonwealth. Before this vote, around thirty percent of the GPPA’s 10,000 registered members lived in unorganized counties.
GPPA Co-Chair Jeremy Griffin (Delaware), explained, “The main reason this amendment had to be passed was to insure that we give a voice to unorganized Greens, no matter in which county they live. The amendment was discussed and approved by the Steering Committee, and I believe it will strengthen the GPPA’s democratic process at the state level.”
Green Party of Lancaster County Chair Tim Runkle, said: “The GPPA State Committee is both the governing body of the Green Party of Pennsylvania (GPPA) and the representation of Greens across our Commonwealth. Our Green Party rules had been built in a way which ensures local representation through organized county committees. The rules, however, have failed to provide the vast unorganized areas of the Commonwealth a voice on the State Committee. The rule change proposed by the delegation from Lancaster County intended to resolve that issue as well as to preserve the intent of local representation. This change permits any registered Green in PA to participate in the State Committee while holding true the Green Party's Four Pillars of grassroots democracy and the Ten Key Values of decentralization.”
GPPA Communication Team Co-chair Chris Robinson (Philadelphia) predicted, "This will be the first step in building new Green Party Chapters in our Commonwealth's 50 unorganized counties. With a presidential election in 2024, it will be important to give a voice to every Green Party member."
The Rules of the Green Party of Pennsylvania, Rule II State Committee, Section 2.b) has been amended to read:
“All State Committee members shall be elected as determined by the rules of the County Committee of the county of their residence to one year terms, or a part thereof. Registered Greens who have no organized County Committee in their county of residence shall be elected by the State Committee during the first meeting of the calendar year. The number of members permitted for unorganized County members shall be no more than two per county.”
The Green Party of PA,, is an independent political party which stands in opposition to the two corporate parties. GPPA candidates promote public policy based on the Green Party’s Four Pillars: grassroots democracy, nonviolence, ecological wisdom, and social justice/equal opportunity. For further information about GPPA, please email [email protected]. Please follow GPPA on social media: Facebook,; Instagram,; and Twitter,
For More Information Please see:
Ten Key Values, Green Party of the U.S.,
The Rules of the Green Party of Pennsylvania,
Growing Ethical, Accountable Government from the Grassroots
Green Party of Pennsylvania
Growing Ethical, Accountable Government from the Grassroots
GS, Did you get inspiration from the Green Party's Ten Key Values?
Noyle: My campaign meets once a week, on Wednesday nights. We will be organizing weekly door-to-door canvassing events on weekends starting in October. If we can’t reach someone after multiple attempts, we will leave behind a campaign flier so that they still hear of our campaign. Our aim is to introduce ourselves to as many residents as we can, so that they don’t look at their ballot and see a stranger. We are also planning to promote our campaign with literature, yard signs and targeted online advertising.
Follow and Support Alex Noyle’s campaign:
PA Greens Publish Free ebook “Eliminating Fossil Fuel Pipelines So We Have A Healthy Future”
Green Party of Pennsylvania
For release: Saturday, March 19, 2022
For more information please contact
Chris Robinson, 267-977-0570, [email protected]
Green Party of PA Publishes “Eliminating Fossil Fuel Pipelines So We Have A Healthy Future”
On March 19, the Green Party of Pennsylvania (GPPA, published a new monograph, “Eliminating Fossil Fuel Pipelines So We Have A Healthy Future” by Jocolyn Bowser-Bostic. This publication explores the various environmental problems associated with fossil fuel pipelines and the resulting health consequences.
This free ebook offers a highly visual perspective, using photos from citizens affected by local pipelines and fracking sites in and around PA. You may read “Eliminating Fossil Fuel Pipelines So We Have A Healthy Future” by visiting, or
Christina "PK" DiGiulio (Chester County), the GPPA candidate for Governor of PA, said, "As someone who lives in a community impacted by the petrochemical industry -- in particular the Mariner East Pipeline Project -- I am grateful for the Green Party and Jocolyn Bowser-Bostick for putting the work into and publishing this document. The photographs will be extremely useful for organizers who want to convince their neighbors of the harmful effects of pipelines.”
Green Party candidate for Lieutenant Governor of PA Michael Bagdes-Canning testified, “As someone who lives in the shale-fields of PA, where the gas that fills Mariner East Pipeline is extracted, I can’t thank Jocolyn Bowser-Bostick enough for this document. Neither the Republicans, who deny the science, nor the Democrats, who ignore the science, are fit to lead us into the future. There is no sane reason to frack, crack, transmit, ship, or burn methane.”
That is not the end of the methane madness. Arianne Elinich of Bucks County Concerned Citizens Against the Pipelines (a PA resident directly impacted by the Adelphia Gateway Pipeline Project) shares Bagdes-Canning’s concerns. “From the harmful health and well-water impacts of fracking to the perpetual public safety risks of pipeline infrastructure, fracked gas is a ‘Bridge Fuel to Nowhere,’” said Elinich. “Folks are beginning to understand that fossil fuels are old school and that it’s essential for our elected officials to prioritize the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of PA over any possible corporate interests, inferred or otherwise. With the ever-growing opposition towards greenfield pipeline projects like PennEast, corporations will continue to look towards the repurposing of infrastructure, as is the case with the Adelphia Gateway Pipeline Project. But these projects in all actuality may very well raise even more significant public safety and environmental concerns as a result of the age, repurposing of, and the new facilities being constructed for such pipeline projects. Moreover, it is clear from the recent defeat of the PennEast Pipeline, that the power of the people is a force that is growing stronger, more constructive and more cohesive with every challenge. Do not doubt that change is possible.”
“I think this will be a quick, easy read for folks looking to digest some information on the fracking problem and how important it is to stop drilling now,” said Co-chair David Ochmanowicz of the Green Party of Bucks County and steering committee member of GPPA. “We are grateful to have had photography contributions from Bucks County Concerned Citizens Against the Pipelines, Kim Fraczek, Christine Pontecorvo and Christina “PK” DiGiulio.”
The Green Party of Pennsylvania (GPPA) is an independent political party which stands in opposition to the two corporate parties. GPPA candidates promote public policy based on the Green Party’s Four Pillars: grassroots democracy, nonviolence, ecological wisdom, and social justice/equal opportunity. For further information about GPPA, please visit Please follow GPPA on social media: Facebook,; Instagram, ttps://; and Twitter,
Click here to download a free copy