The Time Has Come
The Green Party of PA,, is an independent political party which stands in opposition to the two corporate parties. GPPA candidates promote public policy based on the Green Party’s Four Pillars: grassroots democracy, nonviolence, ecological wisdom, and social justice/equal opportunity. For further information about GPPA, please email [email protected]. Please follow GPPA on social media: Facebook,; Instagram,; and Twitter,
PA Volunteers Needed for Final Weeks of Green Party Nomination Petitioning
Green Party of Pennsylvania
Monday, June 17, 2024
Chris Robinson, Communication Team Co-Leader
215-843-4256 and [email protected]
PA Volunteers Needed for Final Weeks of Green Party Nomination Petitioning
The Green Party of PA needs 10,000 signatures by July 15 to get their candidates on the ballot.
If you are NOT currently circulating a nomination paper for the Green Party’s statewide candidates, Jill Stein, Leila Hazou and Richard Weiss, now is the time to jump on board their ballot access campaign. The Green Party needs to finish strong in the next few weeks, and that means recruiting AT LEAST 25 more volunteers to collect valid signatures from registered voters.
Wherever you are, the Green Party wants you to join in -- but help is especially needed to collect signatures in Berks, Bucks, Lancaster, Montgomery and Westmoreland Counties.
Sign up here and you will receive detailed instructions.
Questions? Please email directly, [email protected] The Green Party of PA,, is an independent political party which stands in opposition to the two corporate parties. GPPA candidates promote public policy based on the Green Party’s Four Pillars: grassroots democracy, nonviolence, ecological wisdom, and social justice/equal opportunity. For further information about GPPA, please email [email protected]. Please follow GPPA on social media: Facebook,; Instagram,; and Twitter,
For more information:
Green Party Kicks Off PA Nomination Campaign, GPPA News Release, April 5, 2024,
PA Green Party Candidates, Unions Can Build Working Class Unity
For Immediate Release
Sunday, September 4, 2022
Contact Person: Chris Robinson
267-977-0570, [email protected]
PA Green Party Candidates, Unions Can Build Working Class Unity
On Labor Day 2022, Green Party candidates for PA Governor and Lt. Governor recognized the importance of organized labor in moving forward our Commonwealth. Green Party candidate for PA Governor, Christina "PK" DiGiulio (Chester County) said, “I am inspired to see a new generation of workers forming labor unions to elevate and protect their workforce.”
DiGiulio said she liked the statement made by her counterpart Paul Glover, who received 27,792 votes as a Green for PA Governor in 2018. At the time, Glover had said, “As I see it, unions should demand greater ownership, not just greater wages. This means ownership of factories and banks and farms. As we build such labor institutions, workers will escape middle class treadmills . . . . These ultimate unions will empower workers as owners of co-operative enterprises whose purpose is to meet basic needs while replenishing the earth.”
Green Party candidate Michael Bagdes-Canning (Butler) for PA Lt. Governor, expanded upon this thought, saying, “Our economy is set up to keep us fighting against each other rather than for each other. The same forces keeping us as wage slaves are also destroying the very climate we depend on for survival, pitting us against each other – using race, gender, immigration status, and our zip codes to divide us. When we in the working class unite, that will all change.”
“That’s what inspired me about the history of our labor movement,” continued Bagdes-Canning. “Workers organizing in unions changed the face of the workplace and beyond. Those workers organized across the differences that divided them and brought workers together to fight for radical change.”
The Green Party Platform says, “The Green Party supports the irreducible right of working people, without hindrance, to form a union and to bargain collectively with their employer. This right was guaranteed under the National Labor Relations Act of 1935. We support the right of workers, without penalty, to inform other workers on the premises of a union being formed. This includes advertising and recruiting.”
To join the DiGiulio Campaign for PA Governor and the Bagdes-Canning Campaign for PA Lt. Governor, please sign up here, To contribute to their Campaign, please visit,
For more information, please see:
Green Party Platform, GPUS, II Social Justice, G. Labor;
PA Greens Publish Free ebook “Eliminating Fossil Fuel Pipelines So We Have A Healthy Future”
Green Party of Pennsylvania
For release: Saturday, March 19, 2022
For more information please contact
Chris Robinson, 267-977-0570, [email protected]
Green Party of PA Publishes “Eliminating Fossil Fuel Pipelines So We Have A Healthy Future”
On March 19, the Green Party of Pennsylvania (GPPA, published a new monograph, “Eliminating Fossil Fuel Pipelines So We Have A Healthy Future” by Jocolyn Bowser-Bostic. This publication explores the various environmental problems associated with fossil fuel pipelines and the resulting health consequences.
This free ebook offers a highly visual perspective, using photos from citizens affected by local pipelines and fracking sites in and around PA. You may read “Eliminating Fossil Fuel Pipelines So We Have A Healthy Future” by visiting, or
Christina "PK" DiGiulio (Chester County), the GPPA candidate for Governor of PA, said, "As someone who lives in a community impacted by the petrochemical industry -- in particular the Mariner East Pipeline Project -- I am grateful for the Green Party and Jocolyn Bowser-Bostick for putting the work into and publishing this document. The photographs will be extremely useful for organizers who want to convince their neighbors of the harmful effects of pipelines.”
Green Party candidate for Lieutenant Governor of PA Michael Bagdes-Canning testified, “As someone who lives in the shale-fields of PA, where the gas that fills Mariner East Pipeline is extracted, I can’t thank Jocolyn Bowser-Bostick enough for this document. Neither the Republicans, who deny the science, nor the Democrats, who ignore the science, are fit to lead us into the future. There is no sane reason to frack, crack, transmit, ship, or burn methane.”
That is not the end of the methane madness. Arianne Elinich of Bucks County Concerned Citizens Against the Pipelines (a PA resident directly impacted by the Adelphia Gateway Pipeline Project) shares Bagdes-Canning’s concerns. “From the harmful health and well-water impacts of fracking to the perpetual public safety risks of pipeline infrastructure, fracked gas is a ‘Bridge Fuel to Nowhere,’” said Elinich. “Folks are beginning to understand that fossil fuels are old school and that it’s essential for our elected officials to prioritize the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of PA over any possible corporate interests, inferred or otherwise. With the ever-growing opposition towards greenfield pipeline projects like PennEast, corporations will continue to look towards the repurposing of infrastructure, as is the case with the Adelphia Gateway Pipeline Project. But these projects in all actuality may very well raise even more significant public safety and environmental concerns as a result of the age, repurposing of, and the new facilities being constructed for such pipeline projects. Moreover, it is clear from the recent defeat of the PennEast Pipeline, that the power of the people is a force that is growing stronger, more constructive and more cohesive with every challenge. Do not doubt that change is possible.”
“I think this will be a quick, easy read for folks looking to digest some information on the fracking problem and how important it is to stop drilling now,” said Co-chair David Ochmanowicz of the Green Party of Bucks County and steering committee member of GPPA. “We are grateful to have had photography contributions from Bucks County Concerned Citizens Against the Pipelines, Kim Fraczek, Christine Pontecorvo and Christina “PK” DiGiulio.”
The Green Party of Pennsylvania (GPPA) is an independent political party which stands in opposition to the two corporate parties. GPPA candidates promote public policy based on the Green Party’s Four Pillars: grassroots democracy, nonviolence, ecological wisdom, and social justice/equal opportunity. For further information about GPPA, please visit Please follow GPPA on social media: Facebook,; Instagram, ttps://; and Twitter,
Click here to download a free copy
GPPA welcomes Pope Francis to Pennsylvania
For Immediate Release
September 25, 2015
Jay Sweeney [email protected]
David F. Ochmanowicz Jr. [email protected]
GPPA welcomes Pope Francis to Pennsylvania
The Green Party of Pennsylvania welcomes His Holiness Pope Francis to our beloved Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. His much-anticipated visit to Philadelphia is a joy to so many.
In Pope Francis’s recent encyclical about climate change and the environment, Laudato Si’ (Praise Be to You), he has shown his passion to live up to his adopted papal name Francis, after the Christian patron saint of animals and the environment.
“Pope Francis shares many of the The Green Party of Pennsylvania’s values.” said GPPA Chair Jay Sweeney. “He is outspoken on social justice, environmental and economic issues that our party has been equally outraged over”, Sweeney concluded.
“Pope Francis’s encouraging words and efforts to address climate change, his implicit opposition to fracking, his care and respect for people of all nations and his criticism of the ‘cheerful recklessness’ of pure unregulated capitalism show that we share mutual goals in these important areas”, said GPPA Steering Committee member David Ochmanowicz Jr.
The Green Party of Pennsylvania is an independent political party that stands in opposition to the two corporate parties. The Green Party of Pennsylvania stands for grassroots democracy, social justice, non-violence and ecological wisdom.