Zarah Livingston PA Green Party Candidate to Meet Voters in House District #32
Contact Person: Chris Robinson
267-977-0570, [email protected]
PA Green Party Candidate to Meet Voters in House District #32
By Zarah Livingston, Green Party Candidate for PA House District #32
Hello. My name is Zarah Lvingston, and I am campaigning to be the PA Representative for District 32. I plan to meet the voters while knocking on doors in Oakmont, Penn Hills, Plum and Verona, and I am sure that we will build a close relationship.
I hope to be a Green Party representative who actually feels close to the community. Then, I will be able to formally address the ongoing gun violence with practical programs for youth and their parents. I plan to make it easier for my constituents to access public information, for example campaign records, public funds information, etc.
The things which really make me angry about Harrisburg are the continuing issue with gifts to legislators, which in my opinion gives people the capacity to kind of buy themselves out of trouble. Whether that’s in the format of handling things monetarily -- commonly called hush money -- or gifts from fossil fuel companies -- commonly called bribes.
I’m now along the journey of this campaign, however, where I will actually get to learn what all of you have been yearning to see fixed or beginning to be fixed in your respective areas. And yes, I may be YEARS younger than my counterpart, but my experience in community work (on my own free time) gives me perspective on how to talk and to truly converse with my neighbors.
When is the last time my opponent came out into the neighborhood? I plan to attend town meetings, block parties, and church socials.
To join the Zarah Livingston Campaign for PA House District 32, please visit her website, You may follow Zarah’s campaign at @ZarahForPA32 and