Green Party candidates are regular, hard working people just like you. Passionate and committed Green Party candidates, dedicated to our four Green Pillars, run in small and local races every year. Committed to our goals, the PA Greens have created the Green Wave Committee – we invite you to see what a Green Candidate is all about, visit our Green Wave website.
If you are reading this, you probably already familiar with the Green Party focus on Democracy, Social Justice, Ecological Sustainability and Economic Justice and Sustainability. You can read more about them below.
With the Green Party voter surge of well over 215% in the 2016 Presidential Election combined with the exodus of voters from the major parties there is much momentum to build off. Green Parties all over the United States are already acting on and preparing for 2017 local and statewide races in PA, including Governor in 2018.
Nurses, photographers, farmers, clerks, students, teachers, painters, bakers and yes, some candlestick makers all are part of our bottom up and growing grassroots structured party, and our only special interests are the people and preserving our commons.
What makes the Green Candidate stand out and why are we different?
Green candidates do not accept corporate money.
The Green Ten Key Values are apparent in our decisions and actions.
Greens understand change can only take place outside of the two corporate-money parties.
Green Party of Pennsylvania and the Green Party of the United States platforms and goals cover issues that concern everyone, from enacting democratic election reforms to living-wage laws to seeking peaceful solutions to international conflict instead of attacks and invasions.
Over our 30-year history, many Greens have run for offices. Many have been elected and have succeeded in bring major changes to their states, communities and to the party. Volunteers and sustaining donors are the primary battle chest resources our party maintains. Volunteers and those that are just “Seen Being Green” are all doing what they can, when they can to further the uphill fight everyday to gain ground for the Green Wave.