GPPA November Webconference

The November 2020 meeting of the Green Party of Pennsylvania will be a virtual meeting held online! All interested members of the public may attend to learn more about the Green Party of Pennsylvania and Party operations. Only delegates of the Green Party of Pennsylvania may vote.

The meeting will be held between 12pm and 4pm November the 15th. This is an online event supported with the Zoom web application including video and teleconference services. Please register in advance to receive details on web application, voting platform, tech support, and agenda.

A $5 donation is recommended to support web services procured during the event.

November 15, 2020 at 12:00pm - 4pm
Secretary · · 717-839-2395
Asantewaa Nkrumah-Ture Ed Cloonan jerry walsh Angela Canales Neil Haagen Shane Novak Mary Hynan-Nicoll Jordan Romanelli Amanda Gonzalez Sheri Miller Gabe Lytle charles sherrouse David Kurzweg Edwin Crockett Christian Banchs Noel Rivera Toby Guyette Richard Weiss Sasha Lu Adam Swartz Robin Coxson Lon Diffenderfer David Ochmanowicz terry Beitl Kelly Kuzemchak Tre Schumacher Barry Lawhorne Jr Jubalyn ExWilliams Greg Fritz Alex Noyle Riley Mahon Claire Cohen Jocolyn Bowser-Bostick Steven Martinez Nicholas Hahn Kristin Combs Christina Olson Shawn Domenico Brian Gillen Shane Branham Douglas Mason Marci Henzi Cody Reed Olivia Faison Andrew Chiang Hillary Kane Elizabeth Scroggin Alex Darlington

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