Run for Office! Or Start a Local Chapter!:Let Green Wave Show You HowPolitical parties in Pennsylvania are organized at the county level, but not every county has a Green Party yet! GreenWave is a committee of the Green Party of PA overseeing a regional network of support for candidates, campaigns, and new county affiliations. The Green Party was founded on the concept of grassroots democracy. Green Party candidates are often people from the community, not career politicians. Who better to understand our needs and challenges than our neighbors who live and work with us? Green candidates are often reluctant at first but they run because they share a commitment to the Green Party's 10 Key Values and believe that leaders should be elected with votes, not bought with money. If we want to have a government of the people, by the people, and for the people, then the people need to step up and become that government! People, Planet & Peace before ProfitsEverything we do and every campaign is based on the Four Pillars and Ten Key Values. If you find that you share these ideals and want to work toward a future where people and planet are valued and our government represents all of us, come and join the movement. Whether you want to run for office or help support Green campaigns, you can create the change you want to see in the world. We are the heroes we've been waiting for! For Candidates:Green Party candidates are usually people from the community, not career politicians. Many are activists who run to bring attention to a specific issue in their community. They run because they share a commitment to the Green Party's 10 Key Values. If we want to have a government of the people, by the people, and for the people, then the people need to step up. For Volunteers:The Green Party is committed to grassroots democracy and eliminating corruption in government. Since Green Party candidates do not accept corporate or super PAC funding, volunteers are essential! There are many ways to volunteer that highlight the diversity of knowledge and skills that people have to offer. To find out how you can help, visit the "How to Help" page on this site. |