Nuclear Energy Forum
We need your support for the Green Party of Pennsylvania Nuclear Energy Forum! Please help us through a monetary donation today to cover speaking fees four our upcoming Nuclear Energy Forum.
Fukushima is something that should concern all of us. It affects all of us. The situation once again needs to be put in front of the people on an international scale so that we can make known just how damaging and long-term this is going to be.
The push for renewable, non-harmful energy solutions needs to start. Immediate action must be taken to provide safeguards to these nuclear facilities to prevent the unintended release of these materials. The decommissioning of the Three Mile Island plant is beginning yet the Nuclear lobby is pushing for government assistance to keep this dangerously outdated facility afloat.
The Green Party of Pennsylvania is organizing a Nuclear Energy Forum to discuss the pros and cons of nuclear energy, lessons learned from the Fukashima disaster, and how this relates to the current state of nuclear energy in Pennsylvania. We need your help to generate the speakers fee for this event.
Arnie Gundersen was licensed by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to operate nuclear power plants. He was a whistleblower who was fired from his electric utility job. Arnie has been featured in telebriefings of The Nuclear Information & Research Service, one of the leading anti-nuclear activist groups in America. Last year he traveled to Japan, near the damaged Fukashima reactors. His team spoke to local residents and took samples his own research samples which he later published the results of in a co-authored, peer reviewed article. Find details on his research at
Help us bring this frank conversation about nuclear energy to Pennsylvania by supporting us with a donation today. Show your resolve for decommissioning Three Mile Island and avoiding nuclear energy subsidies in PA by signing on to our petition delivered to Governor Wolf here.