There at least 19 elected Greens in Pennsylvania as of June 26th, 2020! Are you an elected Green but not listed below? Please contact Green Wave!
Allegheny County
Tara Yaney | Edgewood Borough Council
Jay Ting Walker | Pittsburgh Inspector of Elections
Berks County
Jim Keller | West Reading Borough Judge of Elections
David Kurzweg | Cumru Township Judge of Elections
Joseph Reeves | City of Reading Inspector of Elections
Julia Zion | Maxatawny Twp Judge of Elections
Bucks County
Tausif Khan | Falls Twp Judge of Elections
Paul Notwick | Bristol Twp Judge of Elections
David Ochmanowicz | Quakertown Community School Board
Butler County
Michael Bagdes-Canning | Cherry Valley Borough Council
Lackawanna County
William Pilkonis | Scranton Judge of Elections
Lancaster County
Tim Runkle | Elizabethtown Judge of Elections
Monroe County
Cem Zeytinoglu | Stroudsburg School Board
Philadelphia County
Kristin Combs | Philadelphia Judge of Elections
Olivia Faison | Philadelphia Inspector of Elections
Ethan Leatherbarrow | Philadelphia Judge of Elections
Susquehanna County
Kerry Foose | Lenox Twp Judge of Elections
Wyoming County
David Kennedy | Overfield Township Auditor
Jay Sweeney | Falls Township Auditor