Join Us!

Declare your independence and Join the Green Party of Pennsylvania!

Even if you aren't a registered Green, you can join us to promote a more peaceful, sustainable, and equitable future through grassroots democracy.

We offer engagement at several levels, allowing you to decide your level of support based on your commitment and resources. Signing up at any level does not change your party registration. If you would like to change your voter registration to Green, visit the PA Online Voter Registration website and check the box for "G"


Green Follower

Join-Follower.PNGMember Benefits: Email notifications of news, events, and opportunities.

Party Benefits: Provides the party with a wide base of support and encouragement - just knowing you are out there following our accomplishments is a tremendous boost for our efforts.


Green Supporter

Join-Supporter.PNGMember Benefits: Email notifications, a monthly newsletter, a Green Party of Pennsylvania button and a membership card identifying you as a Green Supporter

Party Benefits: Provides the party with a funding base: If all members joined at least at this level, it would provide the funding needed for support systems such as internet services and email.


Green Advocate

Join-Advocate.PNGMember Benefits: Email notifications, a monthly newsletter, a Green Party of Pennsylvania t-shirt (only large or xlarge in stock), one free event guest pass per year and a membership card identifying you as a Green Advocate.

Party Benefits: Provides things such as yard signs, banners, and literature for our campaigns.  


Green Champion

Join-Champion.PNGMember Benefits: Email notifications, a monthly newsletter, a Green Party of Pennsylvania t-shirt (only large or xlarge in stock), discounts on events and event merchandise, one free event guest pass per year and a membership card identifying you as a Green Champion.

Party Benefits: Helps us move to the next level of organizing through Blank_Square.PNGsophisticated web tools, event planning, and phone banking. Could pay for newspaper, radio, or billboard advertisements for state candidates. Can help to provide things such as megaphones or portable PA systems for rallies to get our message and our candidates' messages out across the state.




 Everything we do is based on ourFour Pillars and Ten Key Values. If you find that you share these ideals and want to work toward a future where people and planet are valued and our government represents all of us, come and join the movement. We are the heroes we've been waiting for!

Thanks to your help, we have over a dozen Greens currently serving in elected office across the state, but we of course want to see many more!  If you want to get involved and work with us directly on these efforts, consider volunteering or joining an action team.    


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