Green Party of Pennsylvania Shirts
- Union/USA made.
- Come in sizes from small to double extra large.
- A $20 donation when picked up at Green Party of Pennsylvania State meetings or participating events.
- A $27 donation and we will mail the shirt to you.
Green Party of Pennsylvania Buttons
- Green Party of Pennsylvania Buttons area 2.25-inch button featuring our new keystone logo over the Green Party of the United States green diamond.
- Your $5.00 donation includes shipping and processing.
Green Party of Pennsylvania Cannabis Signs
- Our Legalize Cannabis signs are available in two sizes and are shipped directly to you at no additional cost.
- Yard signs are 16 x 26-inches, double sided, and weather resistant at a cost of $35.
- Rally signs are 11.5 x 18-inches and single sided at a cost of $20.
Find more Green Party merchandise and support the National Party at
** Please allow 4-6 weeks for processing and delivery of Green Party of Pennsylvania merchandise orders **