The Green Party of Pennsylvania is an endorsing organization of Move To Amend, a national coalition campaigning for a 28th amendment to the U.S. Constitution clarifying that corporations are not people and that financial contributions to political campaigns are not free speech.
The Green Party of Pennsylvania joins over 20 local & state Green Parties in formally endorsing Move To Amend. We agree that until the structural issues of cooperate person-hood and unlimited political spending are addressed the battle for social, economic & environmental justice will flounder against the power of corporations. The legally bribery of our elected representatives must end and we must assert that, despite being legal fictions, corporations do not possess the same inalienable rights as human citizens.
While amending the Constitution is an ambitious goal, support for a 28th Amendment continues to grow. The latest version of the bill was introduced in the 2017-18 Congressional session as H.J. Res 48 with 20 original sponsors; the number of co-sponsors has now grown to 55. A legislative goal for 2018 is having a parallel bill introduced in the Senate for the first time.
Nearly half a million signatures of ordinary citizens have been collected in support of this initiative, and close to 50 local affiliate groups in 18 states have completed Move To Amend's unique movement education curriculum. Move To Amend is committed to rooting its work in a "strong & cohesive movement that is diverse, inclusive, resilient & democratic."
Move To Amend affiliate groups & individual members regularly challenge candidates for office at all levels of local, state, and federal government to sign the Pledge To Amend. Members are successfully passing resolutions and ordinances in their local communities. The Green Party of Pennsylvania, whose values are rooted in grass-roots democracy and the power of people, calls for your support in the effort to Move to Amend. Find out how you can get involved at