2021 Primary Day

Primary day is one of the biggest days of the year for the Green Party of Pennsylvania. It's a day when we can reach most of the voters in our community in a single place. This is a great way to gather signatures and get the word out about your local Green candidate for this year's general election. It's also a way for our party to have a real live presence in your community. Even if you don't have a candidate running near you, you can give out Green Party of PA literature! This sort of one on one personal party building across the state is what will take our state party to the next level!

Sign up for shifts to indicate if you have morning, lunch time, afternoon, or evening availability. We will send you literature and whatever petitioning supplies you need. Let's build our party so that we can elect strong alternatives to the two corporate war parties!

If you want to go the extra mile, request off for a half or a full day on May 18th to really make an impact.

Donate to our top 2021 GPPA candidates Marlene Sebastianelli for State Senate District 22 and Connor Mulvaney for Pittsburgh City Council District 4 at the links below:


May 18, 2021 at 7:00am - 8pm
A Pennsylvania poll near you!
Jay Ting Walker · · 14125329194

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Tue, May 18:


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