Bucks County


The Bucks County Green Party is a recognized local affiliate of the Green Party of Pennsylvania, organized around the 4 pillars & 10 key values shared by Green Parties worldwide.


Bucks County Greens meet 3rd Mondays - and we'll be meeting 1/16/23, 2/20/23 & 3/20/23 ...

Sign up and RSVP in the State Party Calendar. 


We generally meet jointly every month with the MontCo Greens.



Interested & Registered Greens Welcome

BCPAGreens@ gmail dot com 


2022 Leadership Team 

Chair: Terry Beitl 

Co Chair: Dave Ochmanowicz Jr.




To sign up for our mailing list click the button below!

sign me up button


Our meetings are open to the public.  Only registered Bucks County Greens may vote.  


The Bucks County Green Party has formally endorsed & actively supports the following local grassroots efforts:


Concerned Citizens Against the Pipelines Bucks County

Monthly ¨Ignite Peace!¨ vigil at the Horsham Drone Command Center

Move to Amend Lower Bucks

Protect Our Water & Air (Stop ELCON)

SAVE Bucks Votes


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