Delaware County Green Party's Presidential Caucus

I know the Republicans in their viewpoints and policy plans seem scarier than ever and Donald Trump especially so. But that doesn’t mean we have to settle for electing a Democrat to the Presidency or someone we consider less bad or evil. Because then whoever wins we lose because our government will be run in a way that harms us or the people or issues we care about.

Instead we can take this opportunity to vote for a Green of high moral character who is capable of intelligently applying the Greens’ Ten Key values that we hold dear to policy decisions as President.

Therefore, I’m happy to invite you to the Delco Green’s Presidential Caucus where you can learn about and cast your vote for one of several superb people running to be the U.S. Green Party’s Presidential Nominee of 2016.

Please call me at 610-662-4502 if you have any questions or you can help collect petition signatures to insure that the November General Election Ballot in Pennsylvania carries a ballot line for the U.S. Green Party’s Presidential and Vice-Presidential Nominees and ballot lines for potential PA Greens running for the statewide offices of Attorney General, Auditor General and State Treasurer. Since the last election the Green Party of Pennsylvania has won court decisions that have made collecting petition signatures easier than ever before.

Thank you,

Jocolyn Bowser-Bostick

Delco Greens co-chair and petition coordinator


April 23, 2016 at 1:00pm - 3pm
Swarthmore Borough Hall, 121 Park Avenue, Swarthmore, PA 19081
Jocolyn Bowser-Bostick · 610-662-4502
Theodore Andrews

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Theodore Andrews

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