Delaware County Greens March Monthly Meeting

Our democracy can only make our lives better if we vote for candidates we believe in that have values we respect. The Green Party only endorses candidates that put the best interests of their constituents first and are transparent about the vital role the Ten Key Values play in how they handle today’s issues and problems that impact the 99%.

The Green Party is a serious alternative to the corporate controlled Democrat & Republican parties which mostly serve the interests of the top 1% or wealthy elite.

Greens are committed to protecting human life on this planet and reducing the threats that prevent the quality of people’s lives from improving. So if you are looking for a place to express your views on what are the serious problems facing your community and get constructive ideas or help on how you and others might be able to reduce or eliminate those problems come to a green party meeting.



December 03, 2014 at 7:30pm - 9pm
Swarthmore Borough Hall
121 Park Ave
one block from Chester Rd/Rt 320 & the Swarthmore train station of SEPTA's Media/Elwyn Regional Rail Line
Swarthmore, PA 19081
United States
Google map and directions
Bob Small, co-chair · · 610-543-8427

Will you come?


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