The Green Party of Allegheny County welcomes ALL to our "Meet the Allegheny Greens" 2023 campaign season kick-off event. This is probably our largest, most important event of the last few years, so we hope you can attend!
Saturday, July 29, 202
- 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
The Loft
- 1118 South Braddock Avenue
- Pittsburgh, PA 15218
- Limited space available - please RSVP here
Our featured speakers will be our endorsed candidates:
- Tara Yaney (G) - Edgewood borough council
- Carl Redwood (I) - Allegheny County council, district 10
- Olivia "Liv" Bennett (I) - Allegheny County, district 13
- Michael Bagdes-Canning (G) - Cherry Valley borough, mayor
We will also hear about ongoing work in the Pittsburgh region, and where we look to go from here. Refreshments will be provided!
As always, we encourage you to join us on Slack to take part in the discussions that help guide our party's direction. You can be added by emailing Jay Ting Walker at [email protected]
If you'd like to make a donation please visit
Green Party of Allegheny County
🌿 ▪ ⚖️ ▪ 🗳️ ▪ 🕊️
July 29, 2023 at 11:00am - 1pm
Riley Mahon
· 4125053976