March 2015 GPPA State Meeting


Please be advised that we have decided, due to weather, to postpone the last State Committee meeting. 

We are meeting on March 21.  

Thank you,

Jay Sweeney
GPPA Chair


The next meeting of the Green Party of Pennsylvania will be on Saturday, March 21, at 11 am, in State College.

The meeting will be held on the Penn State University campus in room 373 of the Willard building.

All Green party members and supporters are welcome to attend. GPPA delegates are encouraged to attend.

The meeting will include elections for all Steering Committee positions including Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and 4 at large seats. There will also be elections for delegates to the Green Party of the United States and for committees in both GPPA and GPUS.

Nominations, including self nomination, are now open to all registered Greens. Nominations will be open until the time of elections at the meeting. Nominations may be submitted in person, in writing, by phone, via email correspondence to the delegates or discussion lists or by [email protected].

An agenda and further directions will follow.

Thank you,

Jay Sweeney
Chair GPPA



Call to order 


Committee Reports




Local Reports


Old Business

Proposal to withdraw from BAC


Ballot Access

Election follow up

Establish Elections Committee 


GPPA Elections

Chair Debate



Steering Committee at Large


GPUS Delegates & Committees

March 21, 2015 at 11:00am - 4pm
Penn State
Willard Building
Map here:
State College, PA 16801
United States
Google map and directions
GPPA Steering Committee ·

Will you come?


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