Join the Green Party of Allegheny County (GPoAC) for a trip to Erie county, Pennsylvania for the total solar eclipse!
Monday, April 8, 2024
- 12:00-8:00 p.m.
- Erie, Pennsylvania
We will leave Pittsburgh around noon and car-pool the two-hour drive to Erie. Once there, we will view the total solar eclipse, meet up with some Green Party folks there, have dinner, and collect some signature for Jill Stein to get on the ballot!
This event will be not be very formally-planned; basically Theron will work with whomever wants to go, and we will figure things out from there. (In anyone is interested in helping, there will be some outreach to registered Greens in Erie County in the preceding days.)
Email Theron at [email protected] if you have any questions!
If you'd like to make a donation please visit
Green Party of Allegheny County
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