GPOAC February 2021 General Assembly and Membership Convention

The Green Party of Allegheny County's monthly general assembly meeting where we discuss current events and conduct party business such as organizing for events and electoral campaigns. Please join the conversation! Our meetings are always open to the public, but you must be a member of the Green Party of Allegheny County to vote on business.

Our February General Assembly is also our yearly membership convention where we consider goals for the year, vote to endorse a platform, and elect our officers and delegates to the state party for the year. We especially encourage members to join us for the yearly convention to learn about our plans for the year!

The Green Party of Allegheny County represents Pittsburgh and much of southwest Pennsylvania. Learn more about us including how to join at

February 02, 2021 at 6:00pm - 8pm
Zoom -- RSVP to get details by email
Green Party of Allegheny County ·

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