.pdf available here
The Green Party of the United States is a federation of state Green parties united in the common good of grassroots democracy, social justice, non-violence and ecological wisdom.
The Green Party is seeking a Photographer Volunteer to work in coordination with designated contacts within the GPUS Merchandise Committee.
Production of quality, publishable photography of Green Party merchandise for various purposes using diverse models when necessary.
Photos will be utilized in a wide variety of projects and will be shared widely. Photos and final product may / will be branded with the Green Party logo. If you choose, your photos and work will be credited to you.
This photography work will be used in whole, or in part by utilization into projects consisting of, but not limited to:
- content on the public web site
- web store
- email content
- advertisements in publications, newsletters and flyers
various other mediums as needed
- alternate forms of web content
all Social Media platforms Facebook / Twitter / Instagram
All candidates should provide work samples (provided by web link to your gallery) with emphasis in utilizing advertising, product placement and / or catalog work samples (a bonus).
Approaching projects, new merchandise and possible overhaul of current in use photos would likely mean some imminent work but future projects will occur on a as needed basis for new merchandise, special request photos and seasonal photography (i.e. seasonal shots featuring a Green Party hooded sweatshirt during the holidays or Green Party hat on the summer)
The Green Party would like to partner with a creative individual to help bring our merchandise graphics to life and use their talents and skills to help grow our mission to bring a more mindful and responsible political future.
This position and duty has no tentative end date.
Expectation of time would not exceed a few hours a month.
Please submit you contact information including name, address, phone number and email address along with a brief bio and a link to an online gallery of your work for review.
Contact: Merchandise Committee
Subject: Merchandise Photographer