WASHINGTON, DC -- Nearly 100 candidates are representing the Green Party in state, county, and municipal elections on November 5, 2013.
Below are some of this year's Green candidates who are running noteworthy campaigns, listed by state. For several of the candidates, victory is achievable.
For a list of all 2013 Green candidates, see the party's election web pages (http://www.gp.org/index.php/2013-candidates.html and http://www.gp.org/elections/candidates/index.php). For contact information, see the candidates' web sites.
25 California Green candidates are running, almost half unopposed (http://www.cagreens.org/elections/fall-2013).
• Marnie Glickman is running for a seat in the Las Gallinas Valley Sanitary District (Marin County), with an endorsement from the Sierra Club (http://www.marnieglickman.org). (Candidate photo: http://www.gp.org/images/candidates/Marnie-Glickman-hires.jpg)
• Gladwyn D'Souza, running for Belmont City Council, currently sits on the planning commission in his city of 25,000 (http://www.gladwynforbelmontcitycouncil.com). He has the endorsement of current and past mayors and planning commissioners as well as the Sierra Club and numerous community leaders (http://www.gladwynforbelmontcitycouncil.com/supporters.php). (Candidate photo: http://www.gp.org/images/candidates/Gladwyn-dSouza.jpg)
• Ronna Stuller and Mirna Lis Martinez, candidates for City Council and School Board, are running a coordinated campaign to transform the City of New London (http://tinyurl.com/l4x58jb). Ms. Stuller is focusing on taxation (making it fairer) and public safety (focusing on prevention). Ms. Martinez is a teacher and parent activist who is bringing attention to the impact proposed reforms will have on the majority minority New London Public School System.
• Anna Trevorrow, candidate for the School Board of Portland (http://annatrevorrow.org), is a former elected member of the Portland Charter Commission and works as a legislative aide for three independent members of the state legislature. Ms. Trevorrow recently earned the endorsement of the Maine League of Young Voters. (Candidate photo: http://www.gp.org/images/candidates/Anna-Trevorrow-hi-res.jpg)
• Joe Carvalho, candidate for Mayor of Fall River (http://votejoe2013.com), is a native of the city, a Vietnam veteran, and a former social worker and counselor. He's a local environmental hero -- the winner of the 2010 Alison J. Walsh Award For Outstanding Environmental Advocacy presented by Save the Bay. Mr. Carvalho is former president of the Coalition for Responsible Siting of LNG Facilities, a group that won its fight against Hess Oil over plans to build an LNG terminal in Fall River and sail dangerous LNG tankers through a narrow channel lined with homes and schools. (Candidate photo: http://www.gp.org/images/candidates/Joe-Carvalho-300.jpg)
• Johnny Howard, running for St. Paul City Council, is a longtime community resident and activist (http://johnnyhoward.net). He is campaigning hard on issues such as reclaiming vacant properties, closing the achievement gap in public schools, and creating job opportunities for un- and under-employed residents.
• Annie Young is running for relection to the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board -- a seat she has held since 1989 (http://www.annieyoung.net). For decades, Ms. Young has advocated for sustainability, efficiency, and community in Minneapolis' parks. She is running with the endorsement of the local Sierra Club and several prominent local labor unions (http://www.annieyoung.net/endorsements). (Candidate photo: http://www.gp.org/images/candidates/Annie-Young-hi-res.jpg)
• Steve Welzer and Patricia Alessandrini are running for Governor and Lieutenant Governor, respectively (http://www.welzerforgovernor.org). (Candidate photo: http://www.gp.org/images/candidates/Steve-Welzer-hi-res.jpg)
"For a couple of years the New Jersey electorate seemed to be mesmerized by their media-savvy governor-with-presidential-aspirations, Chris Christie," said Mr. Welzer. "But during this campaign it has become apparent that Christie's performance in office does not stand up to scrutiny. Governmental labor relations have deteriorated, he pulled the state out of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, and property taxes are soaring. Meanwhile, his Democratic Party opponent is such a weak candidate that half of the bosses of her own party have abandoned her for Christie, the millionaires' buddy. Interest in the Green campaign is surging as progressives and environmentalists throughout the state seek out a truly new alternative."
At least 25 Green candidates are running in New York (http://www.web.gpnys.com/?page_id=251).
• Kevin Bott, candidate for Mayor of Syracuse, is associate director of Imagining America, an organization devoted to creating connections between educational institutions and communities through art and design (http://www.kevinbott.org). Mr. Bott's recent work in the organization has focused on helping men transition from prison. Imagining America and Mr. Bott came under attack by Glenn Beck -- which the candidate's supporters have called "a badge of honor" (http://tinyurl.com/kr3q64e). (Candidate photo: http://www.gp.org/images/candidates/Kevin-Bott-hi-res.jpg)
• Howie Hawkins is running for Syracuse Common Council (http://www.howiehawkins.com). The last time Mr. Hawkins competed for this seat, he lost by 70 votes. (Candidate photo: http://www.gp.org/images/candidates/Howie-Hawkins-hi-res.jpg)
"Syracuse is the second poorest city after Detroit, with 38 percent of its residents and 55 percent of its children living below the poverty line," said Mr. Hawkins. "Like Detroit, Syracuse is on the verge insolvency and takeover of its elected government by a state-appointed Financial Control Board. New York State has defaulted on its previously enacted revenue sharing and school aid for the city in order to pay for tax cuts for the wealthy. No city elected official -- every one a Democrat -- has challenged Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo on his conservative fiscal austerity policies for New York's cities. As a Green who is independent of the moneyed interests financing the Democratic politicians, I will be free to speak up for Syracuse and fight for the funds for the city and its schools that the state promised to pay for its mandates on municipalities."
• Alex White is leading a strong slate of six candidates in Rochester (http://www.greenrochester.org -- featuring a video, "A New Vision for Rochester"). Mr. White is competing against a Democrat in a two-candidate race (see his essay: http://tinyurl.com/n6o8ozt). (Candidate photo: http://www.gp.org/images/candidates/Alex-White-2013.jpg)
New York City Greens are fielding 13 candidates (Green Team 2013: http://www.greenteam2013.info), including Tony Gronowicz for Mayor (http://www.votegronowicz.info), Julia Willebrand for Comptroller (http://www.votewillebrand.info), James Lane for Public Advocate (see below), and Borough President contenders Carl Lundgren (Bronx, http://www.electcarllundgren.info) and Hank Bardel (Staten Island, https://www.facebook.com/ElectHank).
• Lynne Serpe, running her second race for New York City Council in District 22 (Queens), received $50,000 in the first round of matching funds for the general election (http://tinyurl.com/mcwdb64). In her first race (2009), she drew a strong 24% of the vote against Democratic incumbent Peter Vallone, who isn't running this year. See Ms. Serpe's videos "22 Ideas for District 22" and "Get to Know Green Party City Council Candidate Lynne Serpe" on her web site (http://www.serpeforcouncil.org / video page: http://www.serpeforcouncil.org/video). (Candidate photo: http://www.gp.org/images/candidates/Lynne-Serpe.jpg)
• James Lane, candidate for Public Advocate of New York City, has sharply criticized New York City government for turning its back on our residents by making behind closed door deals for reductions of affordable housing, removal of fire houses, and decreased funding to our public schools to name a few with no community interaction (http://www.votejameslane.org). (Candidate photo: http://www.gp.org/images/candidates/James-Lane-hi-res.jpg)
• Brian Cummins is running for re-election to the Cleveland City Council (http://www.briancummins.org). Mr. Cummins has stood up to entrenched power structures in the Cleveland and Cuyahoga County and has set an example of how an elected Green can make a difference and serve with integrity, transparency and accountability to the voters. (Candidate photo: http://www.gp.org/images/candidates/Brian-Cummins-hi-res.jpg)
• Sean Nestor, candidate for Toledo City Council, is 28 years young and hopes to be the first elected Green in his city (http://www.nestorfortoledo.com). He was recently profiled in the city's major newspaper, the Toledo Blade, which said Mr. Nestor "has more ideas than most members of Congress. He too has seen the poverty and random violence, but he loves the city and wants to stay here and help it." (http://www.toledoblade.com/Keith-Burris/2013/09/19/To-the-winners-and-losers-too.html) (Candidate photo: http://www.gp.org/images/candidates/Sean-Nestor-hi-res.jpg)
• Joe DeMare is running an aggressive campaign for Bowling Green City Council (http://joedemareforagreenfuture.org). Mr. DeMare works full time as a machine operator in an industrial ceramics plant. (Candidate photo: http://www.gp.org/images/candidates/Joe-DeMare.jpg)
• Tom Alba is running for Ambler City Council in Montgomery County (http://tomalba.wordpress.com/2013/10/05/get-to-know-the-candidate). He has strongly opposed the city's 76% hike in property taxes since 2008 and is promoting a "walkable" Ambler. (Candidate photo: http://www.gp.org/images/candidates/Tom-Alba.jpg)
• Audrey Clement, running for the Arlington Board of Supervisors (http://audreyclement.org), was a Congressional Fellow for the 100th Congress and is a longstanding member of the Arlington Coalition on Sensible Transportion. (Candidate photo: http://www.gp.org/images/candidates/Audrey-Clement.jpg)
"Gentrification is the number one issue in Arlington County," said Ms. Clement. "Every year hundreds of tenants are recycled out of the county to make way for the redevelopment of moderate income housing into upscale luxury apartments, condos and town houses. The all Democratic County Board has made matters worse by scrapping existing land use plans limiting high density development and opposing a Housing Authority referendum placed on the ballot in 2008 and 2013 by the Arlington Green Party. If elected I promise to turn this retrograde situation around by enforcing the current zoning ordinance and promoting a Housing Authority that will put the brakes on rent increases."
In addition to Green candidates on the ballot in the Nov. 5 general election, Dr. Amy Roe is competing in the nonpartisan special election for Mayor of Newark, Delaware, on Nov. 26 (http://www.roeformayor.org). (Candidate photo: http://www.gp.org/images/candidates/Amy-Roe-hi-res.jpg)
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