Green Party Fields General Assembly Candidates

The Green Party has 2 candidates on the ballot for the November 4 election. Ryan Hazel is running for State Representative in the 98th District. Glenn Davis is running for State Rep in the 190th District.
Glenn Davis is the chair of the Green Party of Philadelphia ( from West Philadelphia.


After filing with the PA Secretary of State, Davis said, “I am tired of the present-day political system that does nothing for our communities. It is time for a change. A vote for Glenn Davis will be a vote against mass incarceration. I will work to redirect funding out of the prison system and into public education. I will also work for a minimum wage of $15.00/hour and a 40 hour workweek throughout our Commonwealth.”

Ryan Hazel is a self-described political outsider.  “We have a lot of work to do here in Pennsylvania.” he said.  “As a citizen I feel it is my responsibility to do my part in making our great Commonwealth the best place we can make it for our children and their children.  What I bring to Harrisburg is a voice of the people. Not just another suit with an agenda, but a catalyst for change to make a better tomorrow.”

While two candidates were able to qualify for the ballot, Jay Sweeney who filed for State Senate in the 20th District had his petitions challenged.  He is reviewing his signatures, consulting with counsel and considering his options.   

Gubernatorial nominee Paul Glover and running mate Dr. Wendy Lynne Lee fell short of the 16,600 signatures required.

“Congratulations to Green Party candidates appearing on the November ballot. They offer Pennsylvania voters dynamic choices this year. “ said Glover.

“Green candidates stand firm to end fracking, shift funds from prisons to schools, promote solar and wind rather than nuclear and coal, create green jobs that lower the costs of living while cleaning water and air, returning common sense to Harrisburg.”
“I want to thank all who collected signatures and contributed monetarily on my behalf.  Statewide candidacy in Pennsylvania is a steep wall to climb, compared with many other states.  Running for governor in Colorado requires 4,000 signatures, for example.  The system is designed to keep a representative of the people rather than the corporations from emerging.”

“Passage of the Voters' Choice Act (SB 195) can restore democracy to our state.” concluded Glover.




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