Green Party New Member Welcome & Onboarding

Interested in joining the Green movement, but not sure where to begin? Curious but haven't quite committed yet? Have questions about how the party is structured and how to become a member or organizer?

Then you're invited to a New Member Welcome and Onboarding session to answer those questions! Please join us as we give a short presentation on:

  • The 4 Pillars and the 10 Key Values of the Green Party
  • A brief history of the party
  • An overview of the party structure
  • An overview of our electoral and activism goals
  • How you can get involved!

We'll have some time for Q&A at the end too. Expect this call to be about an hour long.

This event will be hosted online via Zoom. Please RSVP using the form below to receive Zoom dial-in information. We hope to see you on the call!

This event is hosted by the Green Party of Pennsylvania's Green Wave team. Green Wave has as its mission to grow the Green Party by supporting Green candidates for office, and helping organizers grow local and college campus Green Party chapters within Pennsylvania.

April 22, 2020 at 8:00pm - 9pm
Online via Zoom
Garret Wassermann, GP of PA Green Wave team lead ·
Emmaleah Alkire Greg Roest Lauri Hyers Alexander Cook Kathryn Aby-Eva Jeremy Fuss Mark Brown Philip Baiocchi Emma Squire Walt Haim Christopher Siess Nathaniel Conroy Glenn Nelson Barbara Laxon Carol S Przybylak Brian Gillen Phillip Coss Elizabeth Bjerke Lance McFadden Dominic Signorino Rachel Chen Adam Swartz Haley Heist Mark Cadden Toby Guyette Clarissa Wadley Philip Brown terry Beitl Cory Henshaw Matt Anderson Bili OHara James Beggs Brian Frey Kia Frazier Luke Shannon Alex Ludy Garret Wassermann Jay Walker

Who's RSVPing

Emmaleah Alkire
Greg Roest

Will you come?


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