Green Party of Pennsylvania Core Team - Weekly New Member Meeting

Welcome to the Green Party of Pennsylvania Weekly New Member Onboarding Meeting. Here we will introduce you to the party, our members and leaders, what our platform and values are. We will read a new chapter of theory every week and discuss some current events to build fellowship, and talk about current volunteering opportunities across the party and how to get involved in them.

New member meetings are not just for new members, but for experienced and long standing members too. The most important thing we can do for our party is build friendship and fellowship. 

Core team is about maintaining our parties basic infrastructure and processes. Our weekly meetings are designed to maintain our fellowship in a remote world. I hope you will help me maintain our fellowship with me and build new friendship infrastructure together. Once we have that core team of friends, we can find a time to get together to teach you how the different tools we use work and how to be an effective organizer together. I hope all members of our party get together to build a culture of fellowship and discussion each week on Saturday at 10am.

RSVP and the zoom information will be emailed to you.

January 27, 2024 at 10:00am - 11am

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