Green Party of Pennsylvania
March 16, 2019
Green Party Statement in Response to Terror and Violence
[The following statement by Green Party of Pennsylvania Co-chair Alan Smith concerns the senseless hate crime committed in Christchurch, NZ, on March 15.]
Asalaam Alaikum. Peace be unto you.
This phrase is the root meaning of the word Islam, and as such it is the foundational belief of one fourth of the human population. Peace also serves as the foundation for Green Parties worldwide.
The Green Party of Pennsylvania stands in solidarity with the Muslim community as we mourn, seek comfort, healing and understanding in response to the tragedy in New Zealand. We must unequivocally stand against the dehumanization of Muslims and against white supremacy anywhere and everywhere.
Let us open our doors and arms to the traumatized. Let us open our hearts and minds to rediscover, repair and rejuvenate the connective tissue that holds this planet together. Let us be the antidote to this terrible sickness of terror and violence today and every day.
May peace be unto us all,
Alan Smith, co-chair
Green Party of Pennsylvania
[The Green Party is an independent political party that stands in opposition to the two corporate parties. GPPA candidates promote public policy based on the Green Party four pillars: grassroots democracy, nonviolence, ecological wisdom, and social justice/equal opportunity. For further information about GPPA, please visit Follow GPPA on social media: Facebook, Green Party of Pennsylvania and Twitter, @GreenPartyofPA.]
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