Green Star July 2018

PA Green Party Newsletter

News, Candidates, Information, Events Nationally, Statewide & Locally

Working toward a future where people and planet are valued and our government represents all of us.

Everything we do is based on our Four Pillars and Ten Key Values 

If you find that you share these ideals, come and join the movement.



Green Party of PA News Highlights


Green Wave petitioners have been busy all over the state tabling and collecting signatures!  From Pride events in Bucks, Erie, Lancaster, & Lackawanna Counties to a pipeline protest at Chester County, from big-city neighborhood community events in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh to fairs & music festivals in rural counties like Wayne & Pike, our all-volunteer effort has pushed us over the important milestone of 5,000 signatures.    
However, we must turn in at least 8,000 in order to withstand legal challenges -- so we can't slack off AT ALL.  In fact we must redouble our efforts in the remaining weeks of the ballot access campaign. 
We're counting on YOU to volunteer TODAY. Sign up here!


In-kind contributions are goods or services offered at free or less than usual charge. For example, an in-kind contribution could be the donation of printed materials used during canvassing, coffee and donuts during an event, or the free-rental of a meeting space. Because in-kind contributions often involve a more personal interaction compared to a cold cash donation, they can be a strong indicator of a grass-roots lead effort. Learn more about how to make an in-kind contribution by contacting the GPPA Finance Team.

The Forth of July 4 commemorates the adoption of the Declaration of Independence. On this July forth join us and declare your independence from the two-party system by becoming a sustaining member of the GPPA! Sign up at

Report by Tim Runkle. 

Recently the committee formed the ad hoc nominations committee for the solicitation of nominations for team and state party leadership positions, national delegate & committee membership.

The nomination forms will be available sometime in October and candidate information will be available for review so you can vote for state party officer and delegate positions. Any registered Green in PA can nominate or be nominated, however, you are only able to vote on state and national leaders if you are a delegate.

The CORE team is proposing a consideration for a change in state party architecture. Consideration of a new cycle for the chair and co-chair positions are in the works for state committee and delegate consideration. There is a probability of also suggesting the cycle for secretary and treasurer to staggering years.

Recap: Functioning under it's new committee new name, Core Team. The Core Team is currently finalizing a proposal on the Rules changes that were suggested by members last year and have made it through two rounds of member surveys. The Core Team continues to explore technological tools and applications that could enable us to provide more effective support for our members. Submitted by Sheri M.


Communications Committee is always looking for interested Green volunteers! 

We are particularly looking for anyone who might have the desire to work in the communications field, drafting of preliminary party communications, graphics, photography or media work. 

Do you love coding, database architecture and the Green Party? We might have the project for you!  

Report by Dave Ochmanowicz.





We need 8,000 signatures by July 15!

If you are NOT currently circulating a nomination paper for our statewide candidates Neal Gale, Paul Glover & Jocolyn Bowser-Bostick, now is the time to jump on board our ballot access campaign.  We need to finish strong in the next few weeks, and that means recruiting AT LEAST 25 more volunteers to collect valid signatures from registered voters.  

Wherever you are, we want you to join in -- but help is especially needed to collect signatures for PA Assembly candidates in legislative districts in Luzerne/Pike/Susquehanna/Wayne/Wyoming and Allegheny & Beaver counties!  

 Sign up here

and you will receive detailed instructions 

Questions?  email [email protected] directly


GP of PA July 2018 Retreat

On Saturday July 7 and Sunday July 8 the Green Party of Pennsylvania will be meeting in the beauty of Evansburg State Park in Collegeville to connect with one another, as well as the with the values, pillars, and issues that define us as a political party. 

Saturday we will have some networking time and feature speakers, as well as a nature walk hosted by Philadelphia Green, Chris Robinson. 

We will end the day with a barbecue and lawn game, complete with entertainment from guitarist, songwriter, and Green Party member, Rick Denzien. 


Maine Ranked Choice Voting; Greens in PA Commend You

The Green Party of Pennsylvania is celebrating Maine’s landmark win for representative democracy on June 12th when the citizens approved a measure that adopts ranked choice voting for all state elections.  

Ranked choice voting, also known as instant runoff voting, allows voters to rank their candidates in order of preference.  If no candidate gets at least 50% of the vote, then there is no majority winner. The candidates with very few votes are dropped out and the top candidates continue in an instant runoff process: If a voter’s first choice is dropped out, then their second choice receives their vote. This process continues until a single candidate receives over 50% of the vote. This ensures that all winning candidates are elected by a majority and not just a plurality.  It also allows voters to choose candidates who truly represent their beliefs and values without the fear of helping a candidate they do not like, eliminating the perceived “spoiler effect” and “lesser evil” voting strategies that ultimately result in less representative government.


Pittsburgh and Allegheny County officials to state and feds: Pass universal health care

Pittsburgh City Paper 

According to a March Gallup poll, Americans worry about health care more than any other issue. The poll found that 55 percent of Americans worry about the availability and affordability of healthcare, and only 23 percent worry about it a little or not at all. 

Pittsburgh and Allegheny County officials seem to understand this. Last week, both Pittsburgh City Council and Allegheny County Council passed resolutions asking federal and state officials to take steps to pass a universal, single-payer health-care system. 

Allegheny County Councilor Anita Prizio sponsored the single-payer resolution and it passed with a 10-4 vote. Prizio is a member of the Democratic Socialists of America, but even the chamber’s more moderate Democrats supported the resolution.


Consider volunteering or joining a committee.    




News Highlights from GPUS & More


Green Party Statement on Child Separations in Immigration Cases

The Green Party of the United States affirms that migration is a human right, and we are outraged by the current situation at the U.S. border regarding the inhumane treatment of children and families seeking refuge from the United States’ imperialist policies visited upon Latin American nations.

Greens are not fooled by the games that the Trump administration now seems to be playing with human lives. His executive order today, while a victory for public activism and direct action in general, seems more an attempt to mollify the public and create a legal situation in which current law regarding the maximum time limit for detention could be challenged. 

The full release can be found here.  

The Green Party will hold its 2018 Annual National Meeting in Salt Lake City, July 19-22


The Green Party of the United States will hold its 2018 Annual National Meeting in Salt Lake City, Utah, from Thursday, July 19 to Sunday, July 22.

Greens will convene at the University of Utah.

The meeting will feature Green Party panels, workshops, meetings of the Green National Committee, and other events.

Green candidates running in 2018 and elected officials are expected to attend.


Current List of 2018 Candidates across the United States

Included is a tentative, unofficial list of 2018 Green Party candidates for office.

As of June 27, there are 204 Greens who have run for office during 2018.


GPUS New Store is Live




What is PA GreenWave? Why is it so important?

GreenWave is a committee of the Green Party of PA overseeing a regional network of support for candidates, campaigns, and new county affiliations.

2017 was a very good year for local Green wins, and we are looking forward to cultivating numerous candidates for state and federal offices in 2018 -- and to establishing local affiliates in counties that lack them.


It takes hundreds of Greens just like you to make the Green Party work. 

We are a people-powered party. 


Seeking small donations from many (rather than huge donations from just a few) ensures that the party and its candidates represent real, everyday people and not just special interests.  

You can support the Green Party in many ways, however a monthly sustaining donation helps to fund a solid infrastructure to help local chapters coordinate candidates and provide resources to make their campaigns successful.  As little as $3 per month can have a significant impact!  

Join us and help bring about a future where people and planet are valued over profits. If you want to get more directly involved, consider volunteering or joining a committee.  

Work with other committed progressives in activities such as planning events, developing media content, or helping with campaigns. Lets join together to make 2018 the year of progressives!


Green Party of Pennsylvania Communications & Media Committee 

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Issue Credits: Dave Ochmanowicz, Green Wave Committee


Additional resources from the Green Party of the United States

Green Party of the United States
News Center 
Video Page
Green Papers
Livestream Channel
GP-TV Twitter page
Facebook page
Green Pages: The official publication of record of the Green Party of the United States 

The Green Star is an official publication of the Green Party of Pennsylvania Communications Committee * 2018 


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