News, Candidates, Information, Events Nationally, Statewide & Locally
If you find that you share these ideals and want to work toward a future where people and planet are valued and our government represents all of us, come and join the movement.
Everything we do is based on our Four Pillars and Ten Key Values.
Green Party of PA News Highlights
Operations Committee has a new name, Core Team, due to the foundational work this group performs. The Team is currently finalizing the Rules changes that were suggested by members last year and have made it through two rounds of member surveys. Platform changes are also being reviewed and will be discussed in detail at the May 12th Virtual Meeting, enabling Greens from across the state to help in framing our portrayal of how our core values apply to issues in Pennsylvania.
The Core Team continues to explore technological tools and applications that could enable us to provide more effective support for our members.
Submitted by Sheri M.
Our petitioning campaign for our statewide candidates is heating up as the weather gets better and more outside events are held! Greens are scheduling regular petitioning visits to farmers' markets and festivals. We had a spectacular day at Cannabis Fest in Scranton on Earth Day. We had a goal of bringing in 20 volunteers from outside Lackawanna County, and had 25 (from 10 different counties) petitioning for all or part of the day; our goal for signatures was 600, and we smashed it with over 900 collected.
Group petitioning blitzes are fun, but individuals can also petition on their own, and every signature counts. We hope to add many NEW volunteers to our petitioning list before Primary Day on May 15! This date marks the halfway point of our campaign. Ideally we will have 4000 signatures in hand at that point, but we can't do it without your help!
Please RSVP right now to let us know that you're planning to spend an hour or so at your local polling place collecting signatures for Neal, Paul, & Jocolyn. (If you live in or near Luzerne, Pike, Wayne, Wyoming or Susquehanna counties or in Allegheny County, you can also help collect for our state legislative candidates -- even if you don't live in their districts yourself!)
We'll provide training and petitions. If you can't give time on Primary Day but want to be involved, sign up here
Building on the success of the March State meeting of the GPPA held in Scranton Pennsylvania the Meetings and Events Workgroup is improving processes to support and engage locals in state organizing efforts. The Workgroup has revised tools which will ensure connections between local Organizers and the Workgroup are strong and clearly understood. These tools will help local Organizers take the lead in State events so that they can more easily bring the issues affecting their communities forward. Those interested in hosting and seeking the support of the GPPA during events should join Finance Team at
The Marketing & Merchandise committee continues to build its inventory of items which can be purchased online or made available for sale during state and local events. During this past month Marketing & Merchandise has supported the restocking of our GPPA logo shirts which now in sizes from small to double-XXL. Financing of the new GPPA Cannabis rally signs puts forward a new issues-based #BeSeenBeingGreen effort which helped make the GPPA highly visible during the April Cannabis Fest help in Scranton Pennsylvania. GPPA logo material is available for purchase at
Communications Team’s efforts in promoting the recent Cannabis Festival on Earth Day in Scranton were tremendously successful. All three state Green candidates were present and twenty Green volunteers came out to collect nearly 900 signatures for ballot access.
The Team designed graphics and signs promoting the Green Party of Pennsylvania’s support for cannabis legalization and promoted the event widely.
As one of the Communication team leaders, I am very happy to see how well people from different counties across the state work together. The Team is currently concentrating on statewide campaigns. Reported by Dave Ochmanowicz.
GP of PA announces endorsement of Paul Glover as candidate for Governor
The Green Party of Pennsylvania (GPPA) endorsed Paul Glover as candidate for Governor at their state convention on March 18. A resident of Philadelphia, Glover is a long-time social entrepreneur who has founded 18 campaigns for ecology and justice. He has authored six books on community power and previously taught urban studies at Temple University and ecological economics at Philadelphia University.
Glover urges Democrats and Republicans alike to quit expecting urgent change through the traditional parties, saying, "The Republican Party is no longer the party of Lincoln. The Democratic Party is no longer the party of FDR. Instead, both are dominated by major corporations and their lobbyists." As a Green Party candidate, Glover will accept no corporate or PAC funding.
Jocolyn Bowser-Bostick, endorsed Green Party of PA candidate for Lt. Governor in PA to participate in Philly Women Rally
The organization Philly Women Rally has invited me, Jocolyn Bowser-Bostick, as the endorsed Green Party candidate for Lt. Governor in PA to participate in their political forum of announced PA Lt. Governor candidates. Philly Women Rally’s stated mission is to advocate for women’s rights and political involvement in the Greater Philadelphia region. They are committed to embracing women’s differences, amplifying women’s voices to empower them and fighting for their rights and civil liberties. Because Philly Women Rally is voter education-motivated this forum is structured as a “Public Service” conversation between candidates and the moderator will ask questions of the candidates who will be seated around a table on the stage.
The moderator will ensure each candidate gets to speak/answer for 90 seconds, on each round of a posed question which will last about 15 minutes. They will have seven rounds of questions, with a final eighth round for closing remarks by each candidate. The questions will be on women’s rights issues related to sexual harassment, reproductive rights, equal pay, equal rights for LGBTQ members of the community, racial equality and gun control. I am happy to participate in this discussion and enlighten more people about the Green Party and how its values and solutions can help solve problems in the aforementioned areas.
Six of the ten Lt. Governor candidates who will be in either the Democratic or Republican primaries have confirmed that they will be at this forum. People have the opportunity to have their question asked of the panel by submitting it to [email protected] if it concerns any of these subjects: sexual harassment, reproductive rights, equal pay, racial and LGBTQ community inequalities and gun control/reform.
This event is named “Marching to the Polls--- the Middle Way!” and is being held from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. on Thursday, May 10th at the Norristown High School Auditorium.
Those looking to attend this free forum should register via Eventbrite here.
Neal Gale - candidate for U.S. Senate - speaks on cannabis legalization
Neal Gale, US Senate Candidate, speaking to the crowd about decriminalization and legalization of cannabis.
Neal Gale’s civic engagement includes serving on the Abington Township Energy Advisory Council, which helps him bring to his community the personal experience he has gained from his professional experience with energy conservation & efficiency.
Since 1996 Neal has been managing a comprehensive, low-income energy affordability program throughout New Jersey. He is passionate about taking an active part in making the world a better place for everyone’s children, now and into the future.
Find out more information on Neal Gale @
2018 Petitioning has started!
It's time to do your part, click below!
GP of PA *Virtual* State Meeting for May
All interested members of the public may attend to learn more about the Green Party of Pennsylvania and Party operations.
Only delegates of the Green Party of Pennsylvania may vote.
The meeting will be held between 12pm and 4pm May the 12th.
This is an online event.
Bucks County Greens attend Pride Fest in New Hope, May 19th
Do you want to join the Bucks County Greens in attendance and support of Pride Fest?
We are looking for volunteers to help us in the booth and be seen being Green!
If you are interested in joining the Bucks County Greens, contact them at [email protected] to coordinate.
Centre County Green Party and the Progressive Greens of Central PA hosting workshop on holding local office
Speakers will be discussing the duties and responsibilities of local elected leaders. Come join us at Pavilion Number 5 at beautiful Bald Eagle State Park on Saturday, June 16th.
Gathering will start at 9:00 AMand discussions will begin at 10:00. This workshop is designed for Greens and Non-affiliated / Independent voters. We have the pavilion for the day so please come and enjoy the park as well as Green fellowship. Families of participants can enjoy the swimming area, the many trails, and the Nature Center while we hold the workshop.
Consider volunteering or joining a committee.
News Highlights from GPUS & More
In the next week, three outstanding Green-Rainbow candidates for state office are kicking off their campaigns to change Beacon Hill. They are giving Massachusetts voters a chance to vote for integrity over big money corruption, justice over exploitation, democracy over insider-politics, peace over war, and economic justice over exploitation.
Please turn out to meet Juan G. Sanchez for Secretary of the Commonwealth, Jamie Guerin for State Treasurer, and Jed Stamas for State Auditor. You can wear your GRP t-shirts and hold one of the signs we will provide. Let's show the world that these candidates have supporters!
Stein breaks silence, completing handover of documents to Senate Committee
"We are facing a precarious historic moment. Democracy is threatened by interference in our elections, and by interference in our civil liberties. Likewise we are endangered by warmongering, rampant militarism, nuclear confrontation and accelerating climate change. To solve any of these interlinked problems, we need a functioning democracy and a voting system we can have confidence in.
As first steps to restore trust in that system, we are calling for a nonpartisan Emergency Commission for Election Protection & Voting Justice, as well as international negotiations for an election non-interference treaty. These should be stepping stones toward broader international dialogue to address other urgent looming threats that endanger not only our democracy, but our very survival.
Greens participated in anti-war actions around the country on Saturday, April 14th.
In Oakland, The Green Party of Alameda County, as well as Greens from surrounding counties, marched from Lake Merritt to Oakland City Hall (aka Oscar Grant Plaza) on Sunday with
beautiful banners & signs. They also tabled at the rally with a canopy, on top of which were attached banners for greater visibility.
Greens participated in actions in Washington, DC and Baltimore. Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers spoke at the Washington rally and teach-in.
Although weather conditions were very cold & windy in New York City, a hearty group between 700-1000 strong rallied took part in a very spirited march to Trump Tower. This followed the previous day’s teach-in at a sunny park in Greenwich, CT across from expensive stores for hedge fund heavyweights. The Green Party was represented at both, particularly in NYC. A Green Party table was in place during the rally with banners and a specific anti-war piece of literature designed for the event was distributed.
The Green Party will hold its 2018 Annual National Meeting in Salt Lake City, July 19-22
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The Green Party of the United States will hold its 2018 Annual National Meeting in Salt Lake City, Utah, from Thursday, July 19 to Sunday, July 22.
Greens will convene at the University of Utah.
The meeting will feature Green Party panels, workshops, meetings of the Green National Committee, and other events.
Green candidates running in 2018 and elected officials are expected to attend.
The Green Party joins advocacy groups in urging U.S. Education Secretary Betsy Devos to retain essential guidance on school discipline in regard to race.
Devos is considering whether to rescind a 2014 letter — jointly issued by the U.S. Departments of Education and Justice – that offers guidance to public elementary and secondary schools on administering student discipline in a manner that does not discriminate on the basis of race. This follows her rescission of guidance on the protection of transgender students and on campus sexual assault.
The Green Party of the United States condemns the missile strikes carried out during the early morning of April 14, 2018, ordered by the Trump administration on purported chemical weapon sites in Syria, in flagrant violation of both the U.S. Constitution and international law.
In a now signature impetuous style, the Trump administration authorized the airstrikes without first initiating an investigation into claims that last week, Syrian government forces used chemical weapons on the last insurgent outpost in Eastern Ghouta. Additionally, Germany and Italy declined to participate in the airstrikes, demonstrating that the Trump administration also failed to use any diplomatic process before acting.
What is PA GreenWave? Why is it so important?
GreenWave is a committee of the Green Party of PA overseeing a regional network of support for candidates, campaigns, and new county affiliations.
2017 was a very good year for local Green wins, and we are looking forward to cultivating numerous candidates for state and federal offices in 2018 -- and to establishing local affiliates in counties that lack them.
It takes hundreds of Greens just like you to make the Green Party work.
We are a people-powered party.
Seeking small donations from many (rather than huge donations from just a few) ensures that the party and its candidates represent real, everyday people and not just special interests.
You can support the Green Party in many ways, however a monthly sustaining donation helps to fund a solid infrastructure to help local chapters coordinate candidates and provide resources to make their campaigns successful. As little as $3 per month can have a significant impact!
Join us and help bring about a future where people and planet are valued over profits.
If you want to get more directly involved, consider volunteering or joining a committee.
Work with other committed progressives in activities such as planning events, developing media content, or helping with campaigns. Lets join together to make 2018 the year of progressives!
Green Party of Pennsylvania Communications & Media Committee
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Issue Credits: Dave Ochmanowicz, Lon Diffenderfer, Sherry Miller
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