Every year, we work hard to get Green Party candidates on the ballot! Having Greens on the ballot is good for a number of reasons:
- Green candidates give voters a choice in November, often when voters wouldn't have a choice otherwise (many districts go completely unopposed each year!).
- Seeing the Green Party listed on the ballot helps build voter recognition and prove that we are growing.
- The process of getting Green candidates on the ballot is an excellent opportunity to speak with voters and learn about the concerns they have and problems they are facing. We can integrate those comments back into our platform.
- Can't win elections if you're not on the ballot!
Green Party candidates, just like candidates from any other party, must petition to be placed on the ballot. The petition must be signed by registered voters, therefore we need volunteers to collect these signatures! The minimum number of signatures needed to get a candidate on the ballot is set by state law.
In 2020, the Green Party of Pennsylvania has a goal of collecting 8,000 signatures statewide by July 15 to ensure all of our Green candidates are on the ballot!
Will you volunteer and pledge just an hour or two of your time to collect signatures for our Green candidates this year? We'll provide instructions and training and the needed forms, we just need you to talk with your family, friends, neighbors, or we'll help you find an event near you where you can petition!
Please fill out the form below to volunteer and we'll be in touch soon. Thank you for your support! -- GPPA Green Wave Committee