Join the Lackawanna County Greens for a week of social and climate justice action, and lots of fun! Documentaries, biking for a cause, Earth Day tree-planting and more! All events are free and family friendly, and are a great way to get out and enjoy our beautiful community in Lackawanna County! Email the Lackawanna Greens with questions [email protected]
Please invite your friends, and if anyone wants to volunteer for any of the events, send us a message!
Scheduled Events
Monday, April 17th- Nonviolent ResistanceTraining Session and Potluck from 5:30 - 8:30 PM. Please RSVP by April 10th. Please message us to RSVP and let us know if you can bring something for the potluck.
Tuesday, April 18th- Adopt-A-Highway Clean Up Day
Wednesday, April 19th- Screening of "Tickling Giants", a documentary by the producer of The Daily Show, about the "Jon Stewart" in Egypt. 7:00 at Marywod University's Nazareth Student Center.
Thursday, April 20th- Documentary of "Racing Extinction", an eye opening movie about climate change and its devastating affect on our ecosystem. 7pm at United Neighborhood Center of Scranton on Alder Street.
Friday, April 21st- COMMUNITY BIKE RIDE. Heritage Trail from Elm Street to Taylor.
followed by
Anti-Atlantic Sunrise Pipeline concert at The Otherside in Wilkes-Barre, PA
Saturday, April 22nd- Community Planting Day and Earth Day Celebration at McDade Park! 11:00-5:00pm. We will have trees to plants, seedbombs to make, live music, community, and refreshments!
Sunday, April 23rd- We will be supporting our friends in the Keystone Cannabis Coalition at their annual Pennsylvania Cannabis Festival at Nay Aug Park all day!