Greens Win Elections From California to Maine

This Tuesday was Election Day for over a hundred Green Party candidates in local elections across the country. Here are some Green Party members who were elected and are now serving their communities with Green values in mind:  

In California, 16 Greens were elected to local office this week - a record number for a local election year, with 90% of incumbent Green officeholders winning re-election. Several Green Party members were elected for the first time. Click here for a complete list of Green victories in California.  

Cam Gordon was re-elected to the Minneapolis City Council, a seat he has held since 2006.

Brian Cummins won a very close race to be re-elected (based on preliminary results) to the Cleveland City Council. 

In Connecticut, Mirna Martinez was elected to the New London Board of Education.

In Maine, Anna Trevorrow was elected to the School Board in Portland and Josh Plourde was elected to the City Council in Bangor. 

Three Greens - Neil Haagen, Tausif Khan and Eric Hamell - won local seats in Pennsylvania. 

Congratulations to all Greens who won this year and thank you to all the candidates who gave their time and effort to promote the Green Party and Green values in 2013!


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