This Thursday, June 15 is the Mechanicsburg Jubilee, a huge all-day street fair just west of Harrisburg in Cumberland County that attracts tens of thousands. #Jules4Judge petitioners will be converging to work this event and we hope YOU will be one of them! We're hoping to break our previous record of 311 signatures collected at a single event.
The more petitioners we have out, the better our chances, so we're reaching out to Greens & Green-friendly folks in the area to encourage YOU to join in the fun. If you haven't petitioned before, this is a great time to hop on board to help us out with our FINAL PUSH to have 5,000 signatures by July 15.
We ALL need to pitch in to make sure our statewide candidate for Superior Court Judge, Jules Mermelstein, appears on the ballot in November 2017. If you can't make this event, but would like to help by collecting signatures in your community between now and July 15, you can sign up here: