July 2020 Green Star


July 2020

Working toward a future where people and planet are valued, and our government represents all of us.

Police Brutality, White Supremacy and Reparations
  by GPPA Co-chair Alan Smith

For the past four months we have stopped what we were doing. We have taken drastic, life altering, paradigm shifting changes in order to deal with a global pandemic. The same energy is needed now in dealing with a 400 year old pandemic called white supremacy. It's the brutal treatment by white enslavers on ships sailing across the Atlantic, and the bombing of dark skinned peoples by a Black president with drones flying high in the sky. It's 17 year old Antwon Rose, Jr, killed by a white police officer in Pittsburgh and a black neighborhood in Philadelphia bombed by a Black mayor. White supremacy is a world-wide disease characterized by the dehumanization and devaluation of Black life.

Thus, George Floyd's murder is not an aberration. Ahmaud Arbery's murder is not an aberration. Breonna Taylor's murder is not an aberration. Tony McDade's murder is not an aberration. All were murdered in the name of "public safety." Black bodies have been systematically denied safety, and Black human beings have historically been excluded as part of the general public. Blackness itself has been criminalized. Blacks have been lynched to "protect and preserve" a social order. Who and what then is being protected and preserved? In the call for law and order and public safety, it is capital, property, structural/social arrangements, and white supremacy that are being protected and preserved.

Armed to the hilt, clad in riot gear and barking orders, shooting, throwing chemical weapons and running over people with their vehicles, the police have been responding to protest against police brutality with more police brutality because their core responsibility is to protect and serve the ruling class which is inherently a cruel and vicious endeavor. Continue reading article here for a list of 12 specific REPARATIONS actions.



GPPA News Highlights   

  edited by Chris Robinson 

MontCo People’s Press Conference & Rally
On June 15, a press conference and rally were held at the Montgomery County (MontCo) Courthouse to announce an action inspired by collective activism to remove MontCo Commissioner Joseph Gale. Gale had declared, on official county letterhead, that Black Lives Matter activists are “perpetrators of urban domestic terror,” a “radical left-wing hate group,” and “falsely claiming they, in fact, are victims.”
In response to the public outcry, the diverse women organizers created PA Women Rise (PWR), which sponsored this press conference and rally. Co-hosts were Green Party of Montgomery County and Temple National Lawyers Guild.(show all)


Fear and Unity in Elizabethtown, PA
”A tremendous bonding of the community occurred during the Black Lives Matter protest in Elizabethtown. We saw what solidarity with an oppressed population looks like. Our community members demonstrated that they are listening, hurting and willing to learn. We saw an understanding between our police department and community that will strengthen the relationships that are vital to a just society. However, a fear preceded the event that exposed the very issue for which it was purposed. The words “black”� and “protest”� combined in a way to cause “fear”� and “panic”� for some. The mention of the movement that demands change to a system of injustice compelled the precise reaction for why it exists. Folks, open your dictionaries and review the definition of racism. I understand there was worry of looting that occurred in a few other locations. I heard the rumors that buses with anti-facist groups might arrive. I believe some businesses fell into the trap. They seemingly pleaded for anyone with a concealed-carry permit to help -- and then militia occupied our downtown. As the Elizabethtown community bonded together, some business owners were essentially watching them from the buttstock of a gun.” From a Letter to the Editor by Timothy Runkle, Elizabethtown, in Lancaster Online, June 12, 2020. Tim is the treasurer of GPPA and chair of Lancaster County Green Party.(show all)


GPPA Elects Delegates to Presidential Nominating Convention
On June 7, 28 Green Party of PA (GPPA, www.gpofpa.org) elected representatives from 10 county chapters participated in a virtual meeting to elect delegates to the Green Party U.S. (GPUS) Presidential Nominating Convention. They were joined by 12 observers.
The GPPA members elected eleven delegates to the GPUS Presidential Nominating Convention, which will be held online on Saturday, July 11. The PA delegates will vote to nominate the candidates who won the Green Party’s PA Presidential Caucus in April. In the first round, six PA delegates will vote for Howie Hawkins (New York), who won the PA Caucus, while five PA delegates will vote for Dario Hunter (California). Hawkins is currently leading with 155 delegates (192 are needed for nomination), having won 26 of Green Party state caucuses (out of 33 completed).
Among the elected delegates from PA will be Kristin Combs (Philadelphia), co-chair of GPUS; Hillary Kane (Philadelphia), treasurer of GPUS; Alan Smith (Chester), co-chair of GPPA; Beth Scroggin (Chester), secretary of GPPA; Jay Walker, chair of Green Party of Allegheny County; and David Ochmanowicz, chair of Green Party of Bucks County. Also elected as a delegate was Cheri Honkala (Philadelphia), the 2012 Green Party candidate for vice president of the U.S.(show all)



Campaign Updates   

  edited by Chris Robinson  


Garret Wassermann for PA Representative, District 45
Garret told GREEN STAR, “There is now an ordinance being considered at the Allegheny County level that would ban the use of tear gas, pepper spray, and other chemicals used by police in crowd control. Tear gas is actually banned for use during war by international law. Yet somehow police are allowed to use it domestically? It’s literally a chemical attack on our neighbors and should not be tolerated. I support this ordinance at the county level, and would introduce a similar statewide ban on chemical attacks by police when I am elected state representative.” For more information visit his website https://votegarret.org and his Facebook https://www.facebook.com/VoteGarret/


Jay Ting Walker for PA Representative, District 23 
Jay told GREEN STAR, “I'm finally happy enough with the momentum building in the Green Party of Allegheny County and Green Party of PA to focus heavily on my campaign. We raised a couple thousand dollars over a couple of days and are rapidly building a robust campaign team. We also have a large and growing volunteer base to tap in to. My opponent will not get away with avoiding the fracking issue any longer and that's just the beginning of the blunt conversations we'll be having in our district." 
You can donate to Jay's campaign at This PayPal ink. Connect with Jay’s campaign on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/JayTingWalker. Jay’s campaign website is https://jaytingwalker.com. Jay's campaign has volunteers from across the state and country. If you'd like to volunteer for an exciting well resourced campaign reach out to Jay through his website.


Three State-wide Green Party Candidates https://www.greenslate2020.org/


Tim Runkle for PA Treasurer
Tim told GREEN STAR, “The PA Democratic Party argues that it is too easy for anyone to meet the restrictive ballot access requirements of the Commonwealth. At the same time they provide an example of how easily it can be done. Their plan: mail 1% of the registered voters in Pennsylvania, request that they fill out a nomination paper, and mail it back. In that situation, the political body would need only a 5.8% response rate to collect 5,000 signatures. 𝗚𝗿𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝘁𝗼𝘁𝗮𝗹 𝗰𝗼𝘀𝘁 𝗣𝗔𝗗𝗘𝗠𝗦 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗸 𝗮 𝗰𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗶𝗱𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝘀𝗵𝗼𝘂𝗹𝗱 𝗽𝗮𝘆 𝘁𝗼 𝗯𝗲 𝗽𝗹𝗮𝗰𝗲𝗱 𝗼𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗯𝗮𝗹𝗹𝗼𝘁, $𝟭𝟬𝟮,𝟯𝟰𝟬. This is why we're forced to go to court to seek relief. The corporate parties will not fight for democratic reforms.” Tim’s Facebook page can be found right here, https://www.facebook.com/Tim4ElectedOffice/


Olivia Faison for PA Auditor General
Olivia told GREEN STAR, “It's hard for me to comprehend why law enforcement officials, media and politicians don't seem to get it. When law enforcement itself, (in the form of police officers), breaks the law, and further shows contempt for the law (blatantly committing the brutal crime of murder, on video, for the world to see), the citizens who respond by protesting, rioting and looting, are showing the same contempt and disregard for the law which police officers have shown towards taking a man's life. Property can be replaced! George Floyd's life cannot! Look in the mirror law enforcement! Violence begets violence! Lawlessness practiced by law enforcement, begets lawlessness practiced by the population! This is not an excuse; this is the reason!”


Richard L. Weiss, Esq. for PA Attorney General
Richard told GREEN STAR, “In order for society to function, the public must support our police. In order for that to happen, we must have police worthy of support. We need to develop police standards of conduct that do not unnecessarily escalate use of force -- standards that are more appropriate to policing a domestic civilian population, rather than occupied territory in a warzone.
“Simultaneously, we need special prosecutors to handle cases of police misconduct. Ordinary prosecutors need police help in prosecuting cases, and help from police unions in getting reelected, and police protection from criminals. Therefore, there is a conflict of interest, and special prosecutors with their own security force are needed for prosecution of police.
“We should also end cash bail and stop imprisoning people who pose no threat to the community and have not been convicted of any crime. This and not charging a crime for mere possession or use of cannabis will reduce the prison population, cut down on tensions between police and the public, as well as save money wasted on expensive and unnecessary incarceration."



Team Updates   

Finance Team by Tim Runkle

Finance TeamTo join the Finance Team, please visit HERE.



GreenWave Team by Garret Wassermann


To join the Green Wave Team and get invited to future organizing calls, please visit HERE to receive call info or email for more information!


Communications Team by Chris Robinson

Communications TeamThe ComTeam door is wide open for volunteers to work on GREEN STAR. We need editors for GPPA News Highlights, National Green News, and Global Green News. Also, if you want to write a “Why I’m Green” story for us, please visit, https://www.gpofpa.org/why_im_green. Please step over the threshold and join the ComTeam. To volunteer please visit, at https://www.gpofpa.org/team_communications_join.


Core Team by Charles Sherrouse

Core TeamIf you are interested in helping, sign up HERE.




National Green News   

  edited by Gayle Morrow

Rhode Island Going Rogue
“In a state committee vote taken over the Memorial Day weekend, the Green Party of Rhode Island, one of the nation’s oldest Green parties, has broken ranks with the national party and decided not to nominate a candidate in this year’s presidential election. Instead, the local party will focus on local and state races, and a campaign to adopt ranked choice voting for state elections.” (show all)


Court Rejects Push to Have Debates Welcome 3rd-Party Candidates
If someone were to ask you the first and most important thing a candidate can do to gain name recognition what would you say? For me it would be to participate in the televised debates. However, the Commission on Presidential Debates, that presents as non-partisan but which the nonprofit, Level The Playing Field, claims is anything but nonpartisan has set one particular rule that makes participation for third parties just about impossible. Candidates must be polling at 15%. That’s before they debate on television where candidates get name recognition so that they can poll at 15%. Kind of a neat plan for Republicans and Democrats, wouldn’t you say?(show all)


Here we have the hype spelled out by Madelyn Hoffman, candidate for U. S. Senate from New Jersey
“How far will voters allow the Democratic Party to fall before they abandon the Party altogether? How many elections will come and go with voters demanding a socialist or democratic socialist agenda, while the Party establishment tells them to hold their noses, forget their ideals, and vote Democrat, because the establishment-chosen candidate is not as bad as the other candidate, and is the only electable choice?” (show all)


Greens all over the world are taking note and making statements on the death of George Floyd at the hands of the Minneapolis PD and the Black Lives Matter movement. Some follow
(show all)
New Zealand
Federation of Young European Greens
Green Party of the EU puts forth a resolution to condemn racism in the British Parliament which was passed on 19 June. (show all)


Greens are seeking relief from petition requirements due to COVID in at least 10 states


Green Party: New York should stop giving Stock Transfer Taxes back to Wall Street
The state would be able to prevent an estimated 20% in budget cuts to essential services like education by keeping those tax dollars, says Green Party Co-chair, Peter Lavenia.(show all)


Hawaii’i Green Party appeals to voters to join “the party [that] is a fertile ground where voters, frustrated with their limited choices, can make a statement of their desire for progressive change.”
(show all)



Global Green News   

  edited by Gayle Morrow

Green Party of UK & Wales elects new leaders
A big SIGH… UK Green Party is electing new leaders who are unhappy with their 2.7% support in the last Parliamentary elections. Gee, US Greens would be happy with the .7%.(show all)


Youth wing of the Green Party of England & Wales speak out. Listen to the youth or become a dead party
“We’re not going to defeat the twin evils with business-as-usual politics. Radical change to save the planet means a politics radically different to the status quo; a clean break from the decaying virus of neoliberalism.”(show all)


Urging Greens to stop competing in national Parliamentary elections and focus on what we’re good at—local 
“Let’s face it – beyond Caroline Lucas, the Green Party of England and Wales is unlikely to be a significant party at the level of national government any time soon. At the very most Greens may win parliamentary seats after another two general elections, which means, nationally, playing the long game.” So maybe Rhode Island [see U. S. Greens {https://upriseri.com/2020-05-29-ri-green-party/}] is on the right track?(show all)


Contemporary subject Greens are discussing—Police violence
NZ Police Association angered by Green Party's letter rallying against armed cops in wake of George Floyd's death. "We only have to look to the United States to see how violent things can get under a militarised police force," Davidson said. "This is especially so for minorities and communities of colour."(show all)


CA_Green Party leader Elizabeth May calls RCMP 'a racist institution'(show all)


Against paltry payments to those who lost their jobs due to COVID_(show all)


File this under “We’re probably never going to be doing this here.”
We’ve learned in the past that the Green Party of Ireland gets a seat at the table because “coalition” isn’t a dirty word. Here they are making a typically Green demand because they have a voice. Sigh…(show all)



GPPA Coming Events   

  edited by Chris Robinson

Green Party events are in GREEN. Other Movement events are in RED.

July 1, 9:00 am
Shut Down Berks!
Call Berks County Commissioners to demand that they shut down the Berks County Detention Center, the unlawful prison holding immigrant families.


July 1, 8:30 pm
Green Party of Chester County Virtual Meeting
interested parties should contact [email protected]


July 2, 11:30 am
Stop Banking the Bomb
PNC Tower, 300 5th Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA. Endorsed by the Green Party of Allegheny County.-
For more information, please contact [email protected]
Or go to their Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/280866522968523/


July 2, 7:00 pm
Iraq: Occupation, Governance, Protests
Webinar with Shamiran Mako, MA Peace Action,


July 2, 8:30 pm
Dauphin -- Lancaster Greens Call
Interested parties must RSVP at https://www.gpofpa.org/2020_07_02_daulan


July 4: 2:00 pm
Rally for Black Trans Lives & Liberation
Philly Black Trans Assembly, I-95 Park, South Front and Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia


July 7, 6:00 pm
Green Party of Allegheny County Virtual General Assembly
Zoom contact and more information from [email protected]
More information from: [email protected]


July 9 -- July 12
Climate Justice, Social Justice, Economic Democracy, GP U.S. 2020 Annual National Meeting
This convention will feature candidate speeches, guest speakers and approval of the Green Party’s 2020 platform. The Green Party strives to allow any Green to attend our national meetings. As the only political party that refuses corporate donations, we acknowledge a registration fee can be a financial burden for some Greens. Therefore, we never turn anyone away because of the cost of registration. Members may register right here. https://www.gp.org/convention For other registration questions, please email [email protected]


July 11, noon -- 7:00 pm
2020 Green Party U.S. Presidential Nominating Convention
The Green Party Presidential Nominating Convention will be broadcast LIVE, for free on the Internet for all, on Saturday, July 11, starting at noon. Please support this launch of our General Election campaign for President and Vice President by donating to the Green Party today!
More information from:


July 18, 9:00 am
Let’s Go Paddling
Paddle down the Allegheny River with Defend Ohi:Yo’. Launch near South 9-Mile Road and Route 219, Allegany, NY.


July 18, 11:00 am
Stop Banking the Bomb
PNC Tower, 2031 Penn Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA. Endorsed by the Green Party of Allegheny County.
More information from: [email protected]


July 25, noon
Protest at Drone War Command
Air Guard Station, Easton Road (#611) at County Line Road, Horsham, PA. Brandywine Peace Community with Bucks County Green Party, Montgomery County Green Party,
Green Party of Philadelphia : [email protected]
More information from: [email protected]


July 25, 1:00 pm
Green Party of Wayne County Virtual Meeting
For more information, please contact [email protected]


July 26, 1:00 pm
Green Party of Chester County Virtual Meeting
For a link interested parties should contact [email protected]


July 28, 7:00 pm
Green Party of Philadelphia Virtual Meeting
For more information, please contact More information from: [email protected]


August 3
Last day for Green Party candidates to circulate and file nomination papers.

August 4, 6:00 pm
Green Party of Allegheny County Virtual General Assembly
Green Party of Allegheny County Virtual General Assembly Zoom contact and more information from [email protected]



GPPA Meeting Dates for 2020:

  • September (in-person, retreat) - Saturday/Sunday September 12/13
  • November, Post-Election Day (virtual) - Sunday November 15

Web Conferences are online - RSVP to get connection information.  The locations for in-person conferences are to be determined.  In-person conferences can be hosted by counties, county groups or regions. These events are fundraisers.  When hosted locally, the host group receives back half of the revenue after expenses.  To apply for hosting, submit your info to our Application for Local Hosting of GPPA State Meetings or GPPA-Sponsored EventsWe strive for geographic diversity in reviewing applications, however, all submissions are considered.


Green Party of Pennsylvania Communications Team & Media Committee 

Issue Credits:

EDITORS: Chris Robinson, & Gayle Morrow   
CONTRIBUTORS: Tim Runkle, Chris Robinson, Garret Wassermann, & Jay Sweeney
LAYOUT: Dannee Schoepfer & Hal Brown 
GRAPHIC ARTS: Kevin Richardson 



Everything we do is based on our Four Pillars and Ten Key ValuesIf you find that you share these ideals, come and join the movement.

You can support the Green Party in many ways; however, a monthly sustaining donation helps to fund a solid infrastructure to help local chapters coordinate candidates and provide resources to make their campaigns successful.  As little as $3 per month can have a significant impact! 

                     Sustaining Donation           Single Donation          Purchase Green Merchandise

Join us and help bring about a future where people and planet are valued over profits. We have a new, tiered membership structure that allows you to determine your level of commitment and support. And if you want to get more directly involved, consider joining an action team.  Work with other committed progressives and activists in activities such as planning events, developing media content, or helping with campaigns. Let's join together to make 2020 the year of progressives!


The Green Star is an official publication of the Green Party of Pennsylvania Communications Team * 2020 


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