Join the Lancaster County Green Party at our table during this year's Pride Festival!
Lancaster Pride celebrates the diversity of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, questioning, and ally communities in Lancaster County through building community and pride in who we are. The festival will be located on Water Street, from Culliton (Farnum) Park to Mayor Janice Stork Park for the largest festival Lancaster Pride history! There will be multiple stages with powerful speakers, fantastic drag performers and incredible bands. You'll also find a newly-added beer garden next to the main stage in Culliton Park, a full lineup of food vendors; along with dozens of informational, craft, and other vendors.
Mark your calendars, tell your family, invite your friends...and join us for Lancaster Pride 2018!
Festival hours are between 12 noon and 6pm on Sunday June 24th. Volunteers are needed before, during, and after to help with staffing and setup/tear down.